
Yours is the kingdom, whether you are kind, that is grace upon me,

لك الملك إن تنعم فذاك تفضل

1. Yours is the kingdom, whether you are kind, that is grace upon me,
And if you punish me, it is but my due.

١. لَكَ المُلكُ إِن تُنعِم فَذاكَ تَفَضُّلٌ
عَلَيَّ وَإِن عاقَبتَني فَبِواجِبِ

2. The young man rises from his grave if you call him,
And no fate written for him stays in the ledger.

٢. يَقومُ الفَتى مِن قَبرِهِ إِن دَعَوتَهُ
وَما جَرَّ مَخطوطٌ لَهُ في الرَواجِبِ

3. The staff of asceticism is hotter than the lance of Amir,
And nobler at dawn than the arch of an eyebrow.

٣. عَصا النَسكِ أَحمى ثَمَّ مِن رَمحِ عامِرٍ
وَأَشرَفَ عِندَ الفَجرِ مِن قَوسِ حاجِبِ