
I pass away, of the Creator there is no doubt

أزول وليس في الخلاق شك

1. I pass away, of the Creator there is no doubt
So weep not for me, lament me not

١. أَزولُ وَلَيسَ في الخَلّاقِ شَكُّ
فَلا تَبكوا عَلَيَّ وَلا تُبَكّوا

2. Take my life lessons, for in them is goodness for you
In your lives, pray and purify

٢. خُذوا سِيَري فَهُنَّ لَكُم صَلاحٌ
وَصَلّوا في حَياتِكُم وَزَكّوا

3. Listen not to the tales of a people
Whose lies even the soundest mind believes

٣. لا تَصغوا إِلى أَخبارِ قَومٍ
يُصَدَّقُ مَينَها العَقلُ الأَرَكُّ

4. I see actions, yet no action, and a matter
Whose corruption is preordained

٤. أَرى عَمَلاً كَلا عَمَلٍ وَأَمراً
يَجُرُّ فَسادَهُ قَدَرٌ مِصَكُّ

5. And lines that pretend atop a throne
Then are erased after or scratched out

٥. وَأَسطاراً تُمَثَّلُ فَوقَ طِرسٍ
وَتُطمَسُ بَعدَ ذَلِكَ أَو تُحَكُّ

6. And were you not unjust tyrants
Sense would have corrected you, yet you came not to your senses

٦. وَلَولا أَنَّكُم ظُلُمٌ غُواةٌ
لَصَدَّكُمُ الذَكاءُ فَلَم تَذَكّوا

7. As if you are savage sons of Eve
Whom heaven itself could not reform

٧. كَأَنَّكُم بَني حَوّاءَ وَحشٌ
تَضَمَّنَها السَماوَةُ وَالأَبكُّ

8. The Hegira came to the balconies of Ctesiphon
And bequeathed its kingdom to a spineless fool

٨. أَتى المَسرى عَلى شُرُفاتِ كِسرى
وَأورِثَ مُلكَهُ خانٌ وَكُكُّ

9. Have you ever in this life seen
One not bound by the shackles of events?

٩. فَهَل عايَنتُمُ في الرَرضِ حَيّاً
وَلَيسَ عَلَيهِ لِلحَدَثانِ صَكُّ

10. These are days wherefrom a glorious edifice is built
And from a palace laid to waste

١٠. هِيَ الأَيّامُ مِن وَهدٍ يُعَلّى
بِأَبنِيَةٍ وَمِن قَصرٍ يُدَكُّ

11. Of no use to the ancients of Quraysh
Were the governors of the Sacred House, despite all they amassed and hoarded

١١. وَما نَفَعَ الأَوائِلَ مِن قُرَيشٍ
وُلاةَ الحِجرِ ما اِجتَذَبوا وَمَكّوا

12. So vex not through your fealty a prince
As a dog was vexed, and a monkey too

١٢. فَلا تَشقوا بِنَصرِكُمُ أَميراً
كَما شَقِيَت بِهِ كَلبٌ وَعَكُّ

13. For man in his revolutions is but
A prisoner of time, can he e'er break free?

١٣. وَما الإِنسانُ في التَطوافِ إِلّا
أَسيرٌ لِلزَمانِ فَهَل يُفَكُّ