
Worship God, do not pretend with whoever came

أعبد الله لا تظاهر لمن جا

1. Worship God, do not pretend with whoever came
And once followed a doctrine or rejection

١. أَعبُدِ اللَهَ لا تَظاهَر لِمَن جا
وَرتَ يَوماً بِسُنَّةٍ أَو بِرَفضِ

2. Many humblings came to you after might
Oh how evil and wretched was the humbling you met unprepared

٢. رُبَّ خَفضٍ أَتاكَ مِن بَعدِ بَأسا
ءَ وَبوئسٍ لَقيتَهُ غِبَّ خَفضِ

3. I have shot the arrows seeking the targets
But my shooting did not steady the marks

٣. قَد نَفَضتُ السِهامَ أَبغي المَقايِي
سَ فَلَم يُثبِتِ الرَميَّةَ نَفضي

4. O you who look, this is fate
Have you known what it leads to in the end

٤. أَيُّها الناظِرونَ هَذا قَضاءٌ
هَل عَلِمتُم إِلى ما أَصبَحَ يُفضي