1. What is known today of the tribe of Aad and their followers
And the progeny of Jurhum, neither womb nor thigh
١. ما يُعرَفُ اليَومَ مِن عادٍ وَشيعَتِها
وَآلِ جُرهُمَ لا بَطنٌ وَلا فَخِذُ
2. Time has scattered them by the virtue of the she-camel
So no people know which sign they have taken
٢. أَطارَهُم شيمَةَ العَنقاءِ دَهرُهُمُ
فَلَيسَ يَعلَمُ خَلقٌ آيَةً أَخَذوا