
What ails these comforts that their charm grows stale

ما للنعائم لا تمل نفارها

1. What ails these comforts that their charm grows stale
Though stars maintain routines that never fail

١. ما لِلنَعائِمِ لا تَمُلُّ نِفارَها
وَالشُهبُ تَألَفُ سَيرَها وَسِفارَها

2. And instinct guards the honor of devout men
While reason hates the diligent brought down

٢. وَالطَبعُ يَخفُرُ ذِمَّةً مِن ناسِكٍ
وَالعَقلُ يَكرَهُ جاهِداً إِخفارَها

3. Christians chant in their cloisters, books arrayed
And Jews recite their scriptures undismayed

٣. تَلَتِ النَصارى في الصَوامِعِ كُتبَها
وَيَهودُ تَقرَأُ بِالقِوى أَسفارَها

4. These times lack the companionship that graced
An age whose warmth and welcome never ceased

٤. لَيسَ المَعاشِرُ سَبَّدَت هاماتِها
كَمَعاشِرٍ أَمسَت تُجِمُّ وِفارَها

5. I think restraint a virtuous trait no less
Than India thinks its claws are meant to bless

٥. وَأَعُدُّ قَصَّ الظُفرِ شيمَةَ ناسِكٍ
وَالهِندُ بَعدُ مُطيلَةٌ أَظفارَها

6. Sects breed dissent, each finds the rest profane
Masking in others what themselves contain

٦. مِلَلٌ غَدَت فِرَقاً وَكُلُّ شَريعَةٍ
تُبدي لِمُضمَرِ غَيرِها إِكفارَها

7. The sands of Nejd have swallowed up the band
That dwelt there once, eating its wastes of sand

٧. وَالرَملَةُ البَيضاءُ غودِرَ أَهلُها
بَعدَ الرَفاغَةِ يَأكُلونَ قِفارَها

8. While Arabs shun cultured airs to rove
Through waste lands, tents, and sun-scorched places they love

٨. وَالعُربُ خالَفَتِ الحَضارَةَ وَاِنتَقَت
سُكنى الفَلاةِ وَرُعلَها وَصُفارَها

9. Their slave girls were like스트 to gazelles
Now, heavy round their waists hang many bells

٩. كانَت إِماؤُهُمُ زَوافِرَ مَورِدٍ
فَالآنَ أَثقَلَ نَضرُها أَزفارَها

10. Cities make room for them, they are feasts
For kingdoms, not some waste's unwanted guests

١٠. أَهِلَت بِها الأَمصارُ فَهيَ ضَوارِبٌ
عَمَدَ المَمالِكِ لا تُريدُ قِفارَها

11. Nothing remains but that their steeds should race
With spears to rend its sands and desolate space

١١. لَم يَبقَ إِلّا أَن تَؤُمَّ جِيادُهُم
رَمَحاً لِتَقطَعَ رَملَها وَجِفارَها

12. They charge at horsemen with their Indian blades
While the Viceroy in Egypt pays them tribute aid

١٢. عَتَروا الفَوارِسَ بِالصَوارِمِ وَالقَنا
وَالمَلكُ في مِصرٍ يُعَتِّرُ فارَها

13. They roam the dark, their eyelids painted black
With kohl, while stars above race on their track

١٣. جَعَلوا الشِفارَ هَوادِياً لِتَنوفَةٍ
مَرهاءَ تَكحَلُ بِالدُجى أَشفارَها

14. Flints kindle at Byzantium and Amir
Lights in Syria the watch fires people stir

١٤. تَكبو زِنادُ القادِحينَ وَعامِرٌ
بِالشامِ تَقدَحُ مَرخَها وَعَفارَها

15. When heavy grows the burden of your crimes
Make pure repentance – God forgives betimes

١٥. وَإِذا الذُنوبُ طَمَت فَأَخلِص تَوبَةً
لِلَّهِ يُلفَ بِفَضلِهِ غَفّارَها