1. Lighten your burden and pay no mind to troubles
That upset you, for days flow on steadily with us.
١. هَوِّن عَلَيكَ وَلا تُبالِ بِحادِثٍ
يُشجيكَ فَالأَيّامُ سائِرَةٌ بِنا
2. The most hostile foe to mankind is his own soul,
Then his son comes along and destroys what he built.
٢. أَعدى عَدُوٍّ لِاِبنِ آدَمَ نَفسُهُ
ثُمَّ اِبنُهُ وافاهُ يَهدِمُ ما بَنى
3. This one commands him to every ugly deed,
While that one calls him to hoard and be cowardly.
٣. هاتيكَ تَأمُرُهُ بِكُلِّ قَبيحَةٍ
وَدَعاهُ ذاكَ لِأَن يَضَنَّ وَيَجبُنا
4. And foolishness in life is my being portrayed
As ignorant, so by ignorance I fear being fooled.
٤. وَالغَبنُ كَوني في الحَياةِ مُصَوَّراً
فَمِنَ الغَباوَةِ خيفَتي أَن أُغبَنا
5. More burdensome than sitting being flattered
By delegates who aim to gain something from me.
٥. وَأَقَلُّ عِبئاً مِن جُلوسِ مُمَدَّحٍ
لِلوَفدِ يَقصُدُ أَن يَروحَ مُؤَبِّنا