1. If your mouths rejoice while your hearts
And your souls fall short of rights are neglected,
١. إِن هَلَّلَت أَفواهُكُم فَقُلوبُكُم
وَنُفوسُكُم دونَ الحُقوقِ مُهَلَّلَه
2. I wonder how bright your Torah is,
If lies are found in it, it is corrupted.
٢. آلَيتُ ما تَوراتُكُم بِمُنيرَةٍ
إِن أُلفِيَت فيها الكُمَيتُ مَحَلَّلَه
3. Do not feel secure from the lightning of clouds,
For those swords are unleashed by destiny.
٣. لا تَأمَنوا بَرقَ الغَمامِ فَإِنَّما
تِلكَ السُيوفُ مِنَ القَضاءِ مُسَلَّلَه
4. Wise reflection on events rings true,
It made obstacles out of caution humbled.
٤. قالَ اِفتِكارٌ في الحَوادِثِ صادِقٌ
جَعَلَ الصِعابَ مِنَ الحَذارِ مُذَلَّلَه
5. The Hanifs went astray, and the Christians,
The Jews lost their way, the Magians misguided.
٥. هَفَتِ الحَنيفَةُ وَالنَصارى ما اِهتَدَت
وَيَهودُ حارَت وَالمَجوسُ مُضَلَّلَه
6. Two kinds of people inhabit the earth:
One has intellect but no religion,
٦. اِثنانِ أَهلُ الأَرضِ ذو عَقلٍ بِلا
دينٍ وَآخَرُ دَيِّنٌ لا عَقلَ لَهُ