
My fast has been long, yet I do not cease my fast

طال صومي ولست أرفع سومي

1. My fast has been long, yet I do not cease my fast
And my provision for death is to break fast

١. طالَ صَومي وَلَستُ أَرفَعُ سَومي
وَوُفودي عَلى المَنِيَّةِ فِطرُ

2. O gray hair, do not doubt that you are a shield
A razor cannot shave you, nor can danger threaten you

٢. إيُّها الشَيبُ لا يَريبُكَ مِن كَف
في مِقَصٌّ وَلا يُواريكَ خِطرُ

3. If you forbid the obstinate self from sin
And it becomes good, you are but a sweet scent

٣. إِن نَهَيتَ النَفسَ اللَجوجَ عَنِ الإِث
مِ وَطابَت فَإِنَّما أَنتَ عِطرُ

4. You have become like camphor, atoning for sins
So cool down, even if the cooking pot was heated

٤. لُحتَ مِثلَ الكافورِ كَفَّرَ ذَنباً
فَلتُبَرِّد إِن كانَ أُغلِيَ قِطرُ