1. I see every mother's tears flow without delay
Yet no mother of sorrow weeps as she did when her tears flowed
١. أَرى كُلَّ أُمٍّ عُبرُها غَيرُ مُبطِئٍ
وَما أُمُّ دَفرٍ بِالَّتي بانَ عُبرُها
2. It is the soul that yearns for spaciousness in every abode
So how must it feel when its grave on earth grows narrow?
٢. هِيَ النَفسُ تَهوى الرُحبَ في كُلِّ مَنزِلٍ
فَكَيفَ بِها إِن ضاقَ في الأَرضِ قَبرُها
3. The last covenant between me and my people was the day
When the Saffron's coarseness caused me to dislike its petals
٣. وَآخِرُ عَهدِ القَومِ بي يَومَ تَنطَوي
عَلَيَّ جَرورُ الوَردِ يُكرَهُ زَبرُها
4. Can one who is withered hope for the greenness of garments
When their inner dust has shredded and torn their stitches?
٤. فَهَل يَرتَجي خُضرَ المَلابِسِ ظاعِنٌ
وَقَد مُزِّقَت في باطِنِ التُربِ غُبرُها
5. Much news has reached me, its sorrows manifold,
With ways to people too painful for them to bear
٥. أَتَتنِيَ أَنباءٌ كَثيرٌ شُجونُها
لَها طُرُقٌ أَعيا عَلى الناسِ خُبرُها
6. Beneath it bows the obstinacy of Christians and refuge of Magi
And the judges of Jews and their priests
٦. هَفا دونَها قَسُّ النَصارى وَموبَذُ ال
مَجوسِ وَدَيّانُ اليَهودِ وَحَبرُها
7. And they wrote down false narratives in books
Truly their pages and ink have been lost
٧. وَخَطّوا أَحاديثاً لَهُم في صَحائِفٍ
لَقَد ضاعَت الأَوراقُ فيها وَحِبرُها
8. The sects differed over the legacy of decay
And that is an ocean whose limits cannot be known
٨. تَخالَفَتِ الأَشياعُ في عُقَبِ الرَدى
وَتِلكَ بِحارٌ لَيسَ يُدرَكُ عِبرُها
9. And it was said people's souls have the power to act
While others said: "Nay, their compulsion is manifest"
٩. وَقيلَ نُفوسُ الناسِ تَسطيعُ فِعلَها
وَقالَ رِجالٌ بَل تَبَيَّنَ جَبرُها
10. Had our bodies been made of solid rock
Scant would be their patience toward the strikes of calamity
١٠. وَلَو خُلِقَت أَجسادُنا مِن صَبارَةٍ
لَقَلَّ عَلى كَرِّ الحَوادِثِ صَبرُها
11. A wounded month comes to you after its sickness
And its lyre after the death-rattle and its burial shroud
١١. يَجيئُكَ شَهراً ناجِرٍ بَعدَ قَرِّها
وَصِنَّبُرها بَعدَ المَقيظِ وَوَبرُها
12. No protected soul in the fray could contain
Garb for which predators feel its rough cloth
١٢. وَما أَحرَزَت نَفسَ المُدَجَّجِ في الوَغى
مُضَبِّرَةٌ يَستَأسِرُ الوَحشُ ضَبرُها
13. Or the reaper, harvest-ready, its weave
With a throat that silenced eloquent tongues
١٣. أَو النَثرَةُ الحَصداءُ قورِبَ نَسجُها
لَها حَلَقٌ هالَ الأَسِنَّةَ عَبرُها
14. When a body is entrusted to it and exposed
To hyenas' eggs, no sword can rend its stitches
١٤. إِذا أودِعَتها جُثَّةٌ وَتَعَرَّضَت
لِبيضِ الظُبى لَم يُمكِنِ السَيفَ هَبرُها
15. The Banu Wabr and the Banu Babr were annihilated, yet no dear one
Nor eminent man remained whose kin would protect them
١٥. وَأَودَت بَنو وَبَرٍ وَبَبرٍ فَما حَمى
عَزيزٌ وَلا شُمٌّ تَوَقَّلَ وَبرُها
16. A man called Hizabr was named so auspiciously
Yet none of his nights remain during which he was named thus
١٦. وَقَد سُمِّيَ المَرءُ الهِزَبرَ تَفاؤُلاً
وَلَيسَ بِباقٍ في اللَيالي هِزَبرُها
17. Mishaps inflicted spirits with incurable wounds
Beyond what any healer in the land could suture
١٧. نَوائِبُ أَلقَت في النُفوسِ جَرائِحاً
عَصى كُلَّ آسٍ في البَريَّةِ سَبرُها
18. I have sustenance, so let the lucky enjoy Sirhind
With pearls or abundant gifts of musk
١٨. لِيَ القوتُ فَليَعمُر سَرنَديبَ حَظُّها
مِنَ الدُرِّ أَو يَكثُرُ بِغانَةَ تِبرِها