
Time admonished, yet you did not understand its admonishments

وعظ الزمان فما فهمت عظاته

1. Time admonished, yet you did not understand its admonishments
As if it speaks in its silence

١. وَعَظَ الزَمانُ فَما فَهِمتَ عِظاتِهِ
وَكَأَنَّهُ في صَمتِهِ يَتَكَلَّمُ

2. If the sheep conversed with you, their bleating would say
The wolf oppresses, yet man's son is more oppressive

٢. لَو حاوَرَتكَ الضَأنُ قالَ حَصيفُها
الذِئبُ يَظلِمُ وَاِبنَ آدَمَ أَظلَمُ

3. You chased away a noble knight
Whose need drove him in the dark of night

٣. أَطَرَدتَ عَنّا فارِساً ذا رُجلَةٍ
ساقَتهُ حاجَتُهُ وَلَيلٌ مُظلِمُ

4. Making his excuse to us greater
An ignorant tree not knowing what you know

٤. وَيَزيدُهُ عُذراً لَدَينا أَنَّهُ
سَدرانُ لَيسَ بِعالِمٍ ما تَعلَمُ

5. He desires our safety and pastures over our meadow
While the fold of harm from your enclosures is safer

٥. تَهوى سَلامَتَنا وَتَرعى سَرحَنا
وَجِرابُ ضارٍ مِن حِرابِكَ أَسلَمُ

6. Your claws overreached to his claws
In valor, but this is the time for that to be clipped

٦. أَظفارُكَ اِستَعلَت إِلى أَظفارِهِ
بَأساً وَتِلكَ وَقتُ وَهذي تُقلَمُ

7. If he were a blossoming branch in the groves
He would not wither, wither and be broken

٧. لَو كانَ غُصناً في المَنابِتِ ناضِراً
لَأَلَمَّ يَذبُلُ يَذبُلٌ وَيُلَملِمُ

8. Patience over your world that will soon pass
As if it were a dream in slumber one dreams

٨. صَبراً عَلى دُنياكَ يَنقَضِ حينُها
فَكَأَنَّها حُلمٌ بِنَومٍ يَحلَمُ

9. And maybe time will undo those who plot
Against the emigrant, and for each lofty one there is a ladder

٩. وَلَرُبَّما قَضَتِ الأَناةُ مَآرِباً
مِن نازِحٍ وَلِكُلِّ عالٍ سُلَّمُ

10. People vary, some feigning ignorance
Foolish in ignorance and foolish in pretense

١٠. وَالناسُ شَتّى مِن حُلومٍ مُظهِرٌ
جَهلاً يَعُرُّ وَجاهِلٌ يَتَحَلَّمُ

11. You parted, so your concerns mounted, and the expanse
Despairs in the length of its course without conversation

١١. فارَقتَ فَاِستَعلَت هُمومُكَ وَالمَدى
يَأسو بِطولِ مُرورِهِ ما يُكلَمُ

12. When a hand is severed, its kindred
If burned by fire, would not feel pain

١٢. وَإِذا يَدٌ قُطِعَت فَإِنَّ عَشيرَها
لَو حُرِّقَت بِالنارِ لا يَتَأَلَّمُ