
O child of the compassionate mother, my Lord

أيا طفل الشفيقة إن ربي

1. O child of the compassionate mother, my Lord
Has ordained as He willed, a detestable matter

١. أَيا طِفلَ الشَفيقَةِ إِنَّ رَبّي
عَلى ما شاءَ مِن أَمرٍ مُقيتُ

2. I speak after your death with remorse
Since the detestable news took you away

٢. تَكَلَّمُ بَعدَ مَوتِكَ بِاِعتِبارٍ
وَقَد أَودى بِكَ النَبأُ المَقيتُ

3. I gave up my immediate desires for my eventual ones
Thus did I live, and how I was weaned and given to drink

٣. تَقولُ حَلَلتُ عاجِلَتي بِكُرهي
فَعِشتُ وَكَم لُدِدتُ وَكَم سُقيتُ

4. I grew month after month
If only I had not grown in those months

٤. رَقيتُ الحَولَ شَهراً بَعدَ شَهرٍ
فَلَيتَني في الأَهِلَّةِ ما رُقيتُ

5. When the pigeons cooed at me and my weaning approached
I was not protected from them

٥. فَلَمّا صيحَ بي وَدَنا فِطامي
تَيَمَّمَني الحِمامُ فَما وُقيتُ

6. I left the house empty for others
And had I stayed long in it, I would have suffered

٦. تَرَكتُ الدارَ خالِيَةً لِغَيري
وَلَو طالَ المَقامُ بِها شَقيتُ

7. I was purified so I did not become impure
And had I lived long, I would not have stayed pure

٧. نَقَيتُ فَما دَنِستُ وَلَو تَمادَت
حَياةٌ بي دَنِستُ فَما نَقيتُ

8. Who knows, perhaps my crying is so I
Can attain success in the hereafter if I am chosen

٨. وَما يُدريكِ باكِيَتي عَساني
لِسُكنى الفَوزِ في الأُخرى اِنتُقيتُ

9. Those who weaned me were gentle, and on the day I left
It was as if I had never been weaned

٩. رَقَتني الراقِياتُ وَحُمَّ يَومي
فَغادَرَني كَأَنّي ما رُقيتُ

10. Alas! I lived the life of an eagle in it
And death was the last I met

١٠. هَبيني عِشتُ عُمرَ النَسرِ فيها
وَكانَ المَوتُ آخِرَ ما لَقَيتُ

11. Poor - so I clung without caution
To my Lord or as a prince so I was cautious

١١. فَقيراً فَاِستُضِمتُ بِلا اِتِّقاءٍ
لِرَبّي أَو أَميراً فَاِتُّقيتُ

12. By the king's making, I
Hastened my departure so did not last

١٢. وَمِن صُنعِ المَليكِ إِلَيَّ أَنّي
تَعَجَّلتُ الرَحيلَ فَما بَقَيتُ

13. If only I were a young mountain gazelle, I would have climbed
And water in a jug, I would have been scooped up

١٣. لَوَ اِنّي هَضبُ شابَةَ لَاِرتُقيتُ
وَماءٌ في القَرارَةِ لَاِستُقيتُ