1. Neighbors complaining and delighted with their state
Like rain that weeps yet flashes with lightning
١. جارانِ شاكٍ وَمَسرورٌ بِحالَتِهِ
كَالغَيثِ يَبكي وَفيهِ بارِقٌ بَسَما
2. The ship owner's wealth came to the heirs and they divided it
And did not allocate a third share for him as allotted
٢. مالُ الدَفينِ أَتى الُورّاثَ فَاِقتَسَموا
وَلَم يُراعوهُ في ثُلثٍ لَهُ قَسَما
3. They did not feed a poor person from it, nor gave charity
Nor expiated any oaths in his shares
٣. لا أَطعَموا مِنهُ مِسكيناً وَلا بَذَلوا
عُرفاً وَلا كَفَّروا في حِنثِهِ قَسَما
4. He bequeathed but they did not accept from him, and he made covenants with them
Yet they opposed everything he outlined
٤. أَوصى فَلَم يَقبَلوا مِنهُ وَعاهَدَهُم
فَقابَلوا بِخِلافٍ كُلَّ ما رَسَما
5. And living is an illness, and a person's death is well-being
For his illness is decided by his person passing away
٥. وَالعَيشُ داءٌ وَمَوتُ المَرءِ عافِيَةٌ
إِن داؤُهُ بِتَواري شَخصِهِ حُسِما
6. His breaths are like his steps, and his survival
Is a distance, so he perishes each time he inhales
٦. أَنفاسُهُ كَخُطاهُ وَالبَقاءُ لَهُ
مَسافَةٌ فَهوَ يَفنى كُلَّما اِنتَسَما
7. The bodies are the abodes of souls, putrefying them
And multitudes of doves, so how many an abode did they ruin
٧. مَنازِلُ الأَنفُسِ الأَجسادُ يُظعِنُها
وَفدُ الحِمامِ فَكَم مِن مَنزِلٍ طَسَما