
I see the long shadow of dusk envelop the wilderness,

أرى طولا عم البرية كلها

1. I see the long shadow of dusk envelop the wilderness,
As it's shortened by divine decree, or lengthened.

١. أَرى طِوَلاً عَمَّ البَرِيَّةَ كُلُّها
فَيُقصَرُ بِالحُكمِ الإَِلهِيِّ أَو يُرخى

2. We spoke of youth and its first stirrings, then followed
The events of our companionable youth and beginnings.

٢. ذَكَرنا الصِبا وَالشَرخَ ثُمَّ تَرادَفَت
حَوادِثُ أُنسَتِنا الشَبيبَةَ وَالشَرخا

3. Yet an ignorant drunkard may choose in his folly
Scum over the vintage, sediment over the draught.

٣. وَقَد يَنتَحي الزَندَ الغَويُّ بِجَهلِهِ
فَيَفضُل في القَدَحِ العَفارَةَ وَالمَرخا

4. If you're broad of mind, then do not compare
Your raisins and fruits to the Tigris and Euphrates.

٤. فَإِن كُنتَ ذا لُبٍّ مَكينٍ فَلا تَقِس
بِحِمصِكَ وَالميماسِ دَجلَةَ وَالكَرَخا

5. And yesterday a dove was bereaved of her nestling -
Why then does she keep circling the same empty nest?

٥. وَقَد فُجِعَت بِالفَرخِ أَمسِ حَمامَةٌ
فَما بالُها تُلفي بِمَوضِعِها فَرخا