1. Fear the lowly as you would fear the noble,
The lion of valor has triumphed with fang and claw,
١. خَف دَنِيّاً كَما تَخافُ شَريفاً
صالَ لَيثُ الشَرى بِظُفرٍ وَنابِ
2. And the she-wolves whose howls instill fear,
Their evil lies in heads and tails alike.
٢. وَالصِلالُ الَّتي يَخافُ رَداها
شَرُّها في الرُؤوسِ وَالأَذنابِ
3. Is there any refuge we seek but the mortal world?
For we are of its greatest evils and plights.
٣. هَل جَنابٌ نَحُلُّهُ غَيرَ دُنيا
نا فَإِنّا مِنها بِشَرِّ جَنابِ
4. In civilization, life hangs by a thread,
And in the desert, it is bound by ropes.
٤. عُلِّقَ الحَينُ في الحَضارَةِ بِالخِد
رِ وَفي البَدوِ شُدَّ بِالأَطنابِ
5. Do not arm yourself against destiny, for how useless
Are shields against the swords of death's nights.
٥. لا تَدَرَّع مِنَ القَضاءِ فَما سَي
فُ المَنايا عَنِ الدُروعِ بِنابِ
6. It toured Syria, Iraq and all the lands,
Without ever missing the sides of the coffin.
٦. زارَتِ الشامَ وَالعِراقَ وَكُلَّ الأَر
ضِ ما جانَبَت قَطينَ الجَنابِ
7. All a doctor's knowledge fails against death's illness,
And every cure for it has failed and faded.
٧. كَلَّ عِلمُ الطَبيبِ عَن مَرَضِ المَو
تِ وَقَد نابَ فيهِ كُلَّ مَنابِ
8. The doves have spoken eloquently and clearly,
With great skill and excessive prattle.
٨. نَطَقَت أَلسُنُ الحِمامِ وَبِالإي
جازِ جاءَت وَكَثرَةِ الإِطنابِ
9. A youth is scarcely prepared for death,
Before a substitute takes his place.
٩. لا يَكادُ الفَتى يُجَهَّزُ إِلّا
عَن بَديلٍ مَكانَهُ مُستَنابِ