
A soul that has spent the day waiting,

روح تعدن قضي اليوم وانتظري

1. A soul that has spent the day waiting,
Keep waiting, perhaps tomorrow I will find bliss.

١. روحٌ تَعَدَّنَ قَضّي اليَومَ وَاِنتَظِري
غَداً لَعَلِّيَ فيهِ أُدرِكُ العَدَنا

2. The seriousness of life is a slave we all abhor,
Yet lust and frivolity attract all souls.

٢. وَديدَنُ الجَدِّ مَملوكٌ تُنافِرُهُ
كُلُّ النُفوسِ وَتَهوى اللَهوَ وَالدَدَنا

3. Sacrifice yourself for me, shelter me,
With something unpretentious, not a palace or lodge.

٣. فِدىً لِنَفسِكَ نَفسي آوِني جَدَثاً
مِنَ الخَفِيّاتِ لا قَصراً وَلا فَدَنا

4. Start with your body, deprive it of some,
Before your passions, among your friends the gluttons.

٤. وَاِبدَأ بِبُدنِكَ فَاِهضُم مِنهُ طائِفَةً
مِن قَبلِ سَوقِكَ في أَصحابِكَ البَدَنا

5. For the bliss of Eden cannot be found,
Except by the religious amidst harm.

٥. فَإِنَّ جَنَّةَ عَدنٍ لا يُجادُ بِها
إِلّا لِصاحِبِ دينٍ في أَذىً عُدِنا

6. A lion with mighty paws dressed in hair,
Like a shaggy goat dressed in shag.

٦. لَيثٌ كَفادِرِ فِرزٍ لُبسُهُ شَعَرٌ
وَكَالرُدَينِيُّ آلى يَلبَسُ الرَدَنا

7. Life is discarded like a boulder by one who lives it,
It will not last in one state if it softens.

٧. وَالعَيشُ يُلقى بِصَخرٍ مَن يُمارِسُهُ
وَلَن يَدومَ عَلى حالٍ إِذا لَدُنا

8. After pleasure in valleys or coves,
It soured with anguished days.

٨. تَحَسَّمَت مِنهُ أَيّامٌ مُنَغِّصَةٌ
مِن بَعدِ ما وَدَّ في وَدّانَ أَو وَدَنا

9. Passion is a garment which if it does not
Take a man by force, piety will not roll for him its sleeve.

٩. وَالغَيُّ ثَوبٌ إِذا لَم يَستَلِب رَجُلاً
بِالرَغمِ لَم تَحسُرِ التَقوى لَهُ رَدَنا

10. Like a pearl denied to the child without means
Who did not refrain from it out of asceticism, though we tightened.

١٠. كَالدُرِّ يُمنَعُ مِنهُ الطِفلُ مُقتَسَراً
وَلَم يُجانِبهُ مِن زُهدٍ وَقَد شَدَنا

11. As for evils, they are not avoided with self-denial
Except a little, but they befriend cities.

١١. أَمّا الشُرورُ فَلَن تُلفى بِمُقفِرَةٍ
إِلّا قَليلاً وَلَكِن تَألَفُ المُدُنا

12. By your life, I do not hope for guidance
In our world to steady among us faith.

١٢. إِنّي لَعَمرُكَ ما أَرجو لِعالَمِنا
هُدىً يُثَبِّتُ في أَفنائِنا الهُدَنا

13. Fate is stronger, how many homes of honor
Lie deserted, while homes of disgrace are inhabited.

١٣. وَالحَظُّ أَغلَبُ كَم بَيتٍ لِمَكرُمَةٍ
سُدىً يَظَلُّ وَبَيتٌ لِلخَنى سُدِنا