1. The foolish buzz of mean cottages, the croaking of small islands
O man! On whom will you heap reproach?
١. عَبيطُ ضَوائِنٍ نَحيرُ جُزرِ
عَلى مَن أَيُّها الإِنسانُ تَزري
2. The deserts have conspired against the foolish with the comfort and livelihood they have acquired
You have concealed your sins with feeble hands
٢. قَدِ اِحتالَت عَلى السَفَهِ البَرايا
بِما اِتَّخَذَتهُ مِن راحٍ وَمِزرِ
3. And rushed into drinking that strongly, seeking succor
A bitter life of ebbs and flows
٣. أَخَفتَ عَلى المَآثِمِ ضَعفَ أَيدٍ
وَرُمتَ بِشُربِ ذَلِكَ شَدَّ أَزرِ
4. As if we are in perpetual rise and fall
So why do my hands pass their days fumbling?
٤. حَياةٌ مُرَّةٌ وَرَداً ذُعافٌ
كَأَنّا مِنهُ في مَدٍّ وَجَزرِ
5. And the bitterness of days crushes my fumbling
Are princes anything but losers?
٥. فَما صُنعي تُمِرُّ يَدايَ شَزَراً
وَتَنقِضُ مِرَّةُ الأَيّامِ شَزري
6. Or ministers anything but burdensome?
Everyone has a flaw, and from warding off
٦. هَلِ الأُمَراءُ إِلّا في خَسارٍ
أَوِ الوُزَراءُ إِلّا أَهلُ وِزرِ
7. All are brought, from nobility and commons
The daughters of Shem have chosen fine clothes
٧. لِكُلٍّ شيمَةٌ وَإِلى التَغاضي
أُجيءَ الكُلُّ مِن خوصٍ وَخُزرِ
8. While the women of Ham did not cover with a loincloth
I wish death would snatch you
٨. تَخَيَّرَتِ اللِباسَ بَناتُ سامٍ
وَنُسوَةُ حامَ لَم تُستَر بِإِزرِ
9. So you may know I have not been bereaved
Rulers of the world are vicious wolves
٩. بِوِدّي أَن تَهُبُّ مِنَ المَنايا
فَتَعلَمَ أَنَّني لَم يَشوِ حَزري
10. Becoming, through misfortune, shepherds of rats
The nights did not allow the disabled among them
١٠. وُلاةُ العالَمينَ ذِئابٌ خَتلٍ
تَكونُ مِنَ الشَقاءِ رَعاةَ فِزرِ
11. Anything but very little livelihood
But if the sincere stars have been miserly to you
١١. وَما سَمَحَت لِيَعرُبِها اللَيالي
وَحَيِّ نِزارِها إِلّا بَنزَرِ
12. Then the clouds have showered you with plenty
١٢. فَإِن بَخُلَت عَلَيكَ نُجومُ صِدقٍ
فَقَد مَطَرَتكَ أَنواءٌ بِغُزرِ