1. Fast and fast while in fear
The fast from death has a breakfast
١. أَفطِر وَصُم وَأَفطِر خائِفاً
صَومُ المَنِيَّةِ لَهُ إِفطارُ
2. I'm wary of my soil yet not wary
Of my soil, though near a loved one there is danger
٢. وَأُراعُ مِن تِربي وَلا أَرتاعُ مِن
تُربي وَفي قُربِ الأَنيسِ خِطارُ
3. One who is like free soil among its sons
Is the flower of spring and its fragrant meadow
٣. مَن كَالصَعيدِ الحُرِّ مِن أَبنائِهِ
زَهرُ الرَبيعِ وَرَوضُهُ المِعطارُ
4. As if in the hand of time, with its light
Were drops that spread with their scattering the horizons
٤. وَكَأَنَّ في كَفِّ الزَمانِ بِنَورِهِ
قُطُراً تُعَمُّ بِنَشرِهِ الأَقطارُ
5. Inclined toward treachery and harm
While they are the clouds, not prone to rain
٥. مُتَمَطِّرينَ إِلى الخِيانَةِ وَالأَذى
وَهُمُ السَحائِبُ مالَها إِمطارُ
6. Of virtues for solids, that they
Have no feelings to follow them or habits
٦. وَمِنَ الفَضيلَةِ لِلجَوامِدِ أَنَّها
لا حِسَّ يَتبَعُها وَلا أَوطارُ
7. The crow takes as its place the separations
And I knew that it would soon fly away
٧. تَخِذَ الغُرابُ عَلى المَفارِقِ مَوقِعاً
وَلَقَد عَلِمتُ بِأَنَّهُ سَيُطارُ