1. The rounds of fate wear down barricades,
to fend off schemes and charades.
١. أَمُذهَبَةَ التِراسِ لِرَدِّ كَيدٍ
صُروفُ الدَهرِ مُذهَبَةُ التِراسِ
2. How can I feign knowledge and tact,
when the outcome is purely abstract?
٢. وَكَيفَ أَرومُ في أَدَبٍ وَفَهمٍ
دِراساً وَالمَآلُ هُوَ اِندِراسي
3. Yes, my patron trained me with care,
and wisely made me his heir.
٣. نَعَم لِلعَضدِ رَبَّتني مَليكي
وَكانَ بِحِكمَةٍ مِنهُ اِغتِراسي
4. The king posted guards over me,
but mishaps cannot deterred be.
٤. أَقامَ المَلِكُ حُرّاساً عَلَيهِ
وَما تُنفى الحَوادِثُ بِاِحتِراسِ
5. Like ships afloat we remain,
till at death the anchors are lain.
٥. كَأَنّا في السَفائِنِ عائِماتٍ
وَعِندَ المَوتِ أُلقِيَتِ المَراسي
6. After us came throngs of new shoots,
some odious, some taking firm roots.
٦. تَخَلَّفَ بَعدَنا جيلٌ وَنَجمٌ
فَأَزهَرُ شائِمٌ وَأَشَمُّ راسي
7. Fleeing the throes of demise,
with feet trampling ruins and cries.
٧. فِرارٌ مِن مَهاريسِ المَنايا
بِأَقدامٍ يَطَأنَ عَلى هَراسِ
8. Many a head kissed a foot,
many a foot chased a head's route.
٨. فَكَم قارَنَّ مِن رَأسٍ بِرِجلٍ
وَكَم أَلحَقنَ مِن قَدَمٍ بِراسِ
9. He who lagged in bestowals was promoted,
and he who led was demoted.
٩. فَقُدَّمَ مَن تَأَخَّرَ في العَطايا
وَأُخِّرَ مَن تَقَدَّمَ في المِراسِ
10. Our foresight is not without flaw,
like the verse of Abu Firas the law.
١٠. فَنَحنُ وَما فِراسَتُنا بِمَينٍ
كَلَفظِ الدَراميِّ أَبي فِراسِ
11. When you accuse in scorching days,
count the saved, don't the strayed.
١١. إِذا أَتَهمتَ في أَيّامِ قَيظٍ
فَعُدِّ الناجِياتِ إِلى قَراسِ
12. I ward off beasts in their charges,
knowing my end is in their largesse.
١٢. أَذودُ عَنِ الفرائِسِ ضارِياتٍ
وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّ غايَتَها اِفتِراسي
13. Adam's son self-sufficed can be,
with no steed or cavalry.
١٣. وَقَد يَغنى اِبنُ آدَمَ وَهُوَ حُرٌّ
بِلا فَرَسٍ يُعَدُّ وَلا فَراسِ
14. In Yathrib lies a dumb well,
its buried caller, the well could tell.
١٤. بِيَثرِبَ حُفرَةٌ خَرِسَت وَنادى
مُغَيَّبُها فَأَسمَعَ ذا خُراسِ