
Where is Imru' al-Qays and the virgin maids

أين امرؤ القيس والعذارى

1. Where is Imru' al-Qays and the virgin maids
When he leaned from under him the cushion

١. أَينَ اِمرُؤُ القَيسِ وَالعَذارى
إِذ مالَ مِن تَحتِهِ الغَبيطُ

2. He has two leather water-bags of a goblet
Foaming while the swimmer is strong

٢. لَهُ كُمَيتانِ ذاتُ كَأسٍ
تُزبِدُ وَالسابِحُ الرَبيطُ

3. He gets up early to hunt with the dogs
So he cheers up the scared wildlife

٣. يُباكِرُ الصَيدَ بِالمَذاكي
فَيَأنَسُ الموحِشُ الهَبيطُ

4. The Arabs in the dwellings sought
After you and the non-Arabs acquired Arabic

٤. اِستَنبَطَ العُربُ في المَوامي
بَعدَكَ وَاِستَعرَبَ النَبيطُ

5. As if your world is a pool’s water
Its latter murky, turbid

٥. كَأَنَّ دُنياكَ ماءُ حَوضٍ
آخِرُهُ آجِنٌ خَبيطُ

6. And sustenance in it is permitted for us
Even if it were from clotted blood

٦. وَالقَوتُ فيها لَنا مُباحٌ
لَو أَنَّهُ مِن دَمٍ عَبيطُ