1. My God knows weakness is my trait,
I cannot bear to journey or take flight,
١. يعِلمِ إِلَهي يوجِدُ الضَعفُ شيمَتي
فَلَستُ مُطيقاً لِلغُدُوِّ وَلا المَسرى
2. I'm captive in His hands, and he whose nature generosity dictates,
Will honor prisoners in his court and gates.
٢. غَبَرتُ أَسيراً في يَدَيهِ وَمَن يَكُن
لَهُ كَرَمٌ تُكرَم بِساحَتِهِ الأَسرى
3. Should I in this life gain knowledge like people do,
And enter fire as Qaysar and Kisra too,
٣. أَأُصبِحُ في الدُنِّيا كَما هُوَ عالِمٌ
وَأَدخُلُ ناراً مِثلَ قَيصَرَ أَو كِسرى
4. I hope that on Judgment Day complete,
He'll order "Go from left hand to the right!"
٤. وَإِنّي لَأَرجو مِنهُ يَومَ تَجاوُزٍ
فَيَأمُرُ بي ذاتَ اليَمينِ إِلى اليُسرى
5. When mounted riders gain their heart's desire,
Naught's left but regret and hopeless fire,
٥. إِذا راكِبٌ نالَت بِهِ الشَأوَ ناقَةٌ
فَما أَينُقي إِلّا الظَوالِعُ وَالحَسرى
6. And if when dead, I'm spared what caused me doubt,
My lot's not loss and my hand's won the fire.
٦. وَإِن أُعفَ بَعدَ المَوتِ مِمّا يُريبُني
فَما حَظِّيَ الأَدنى وَلا يَدِيَ الخُسرى