
No good is there in wealth when given, amassed,

لا خير في المال أعطاه وأجمعه

1. No good is there in wealth when given, amassed,
If I'm made bare then with what I gained clothed was I.

١. لا خَيرَ في المالِ أُعطاهُ وَأَجمَعُهُ
إِذا عَريتُ فَمِمّا حُزتُ عُرّيتُ

2. Of no benefit is it when morn appears,
If but a thread conceals me, then thread am I.

٢. وَما اِنتِفاعي إِذا أَصبَحتُ ذا فِرَةٍ
وَإِنَّما أَنا رِسلُ الضَرعِ صُرّيتُ

3. God made me of water, yet behold I flow,
As flows water, by decree directed was I.

٣. وَصاغَني اللَهُ مِن ماءٍ وَها أَنا ذا
كَالماءِ أَجري بِقَدرٍ كَيفَ جُرّيتُ

4. Created for a purpose I knew not true,
Would that from God's reckoning exonerated was I!

٤. بُريتُ لِلأَمرِ لَم أَعرِف حَقائِقَهُ
فَلَيتَني مِن حِسابِ اللَهِ بُرّيتُ

5. I see a loincloth's image, Fate has filled it out,
Revealed from it a little, then hidden was I.

٥. أَرى خَيالَ إِزارٍ حَمَّهُ قَدَرٌ
ظَهَرتُ مِنهُ قَليلاً ثُمَّ وُرّيتُ

6. Why did I accept what once I disapproved?
And left was I to time's caprice confounded was I.

٦. ما لي رَضيتُ بِما أَنكَرتُهُ زَمَناً
وَخِلتُني بِصُروفِ الدَهرِ ضُرّيتُ

7. Does the lion know when clamped are jaws on him,
A mouth decreed to rend his cheeks was I?

٧. فَهَل دَرى اللَيثُ إِذا ضَمَّ الرَجاجَ لَهُ
فَمٌ وَقُدِّرَ لِلشَدقَينِ تَهريتُ

8. As if in empty plains a lost traveller were we,
The path we missed, no guide among us was I.

٨. كَأَنَّنا في قِفارٍ ضَلَّ سالِكُها
نَهجَ الطَريقِ وَما في القَومِ خَرّيتُ

9. Would night but speak, he'd call how much in gloom saw he!
Dawn came, imprisoned in needs, compelled was I.

٩. لَو يَنطُقُ اللَيلُ نادى كَم فَرى ظُلَمي
فَجرٌ وَأُدلِجتُ في حاجٍ وَأُسريتُ

10. And men made me serve in their treacherous affairs,
As if a camel for mankind enslaved was I.

١٠. وَأَعملَتني رِجالٌ في مَآرِبِها
كَأَنَّني جَملٌ لِلإِنسِ أُبريتُ

11. No patience for a pauper beneath his want,
Raiders raided but by raiders plundered was I!

١١. لا يَصبِرونَ فَقيرٌ تَحتَ فاقَتِه
إِنَّ السَباريتَ جابَتها السَباريتُ

12. Folk when devout are angels numbered,
But rebels when transgressing, evil spirits was I.

١٢. ناسٌ إِذا نَسَكوا عُدّوا مَلائِكَةً
وَإِن طَغَوا فَهُمُ جِنٌّ عَفاريتُ

13. Flatter me not, I've a soul that's tried,
Pleased when blamed, when praised embarrassed was I.

١٣. لا تَطرِيَنّي فَلي نَفسٌ مُجَرَّبَةٌ
تُسِرُّ وَجداً إِذا بِالمَينِ أُطريتُ

14. And if praised for good that's not my way,
I'm counted among the ugly damned was I.

١٤. وَإِن مُدِحتُ بِخَيرٍ لَيسَ مِن شِيَمي
حَسِبتُني بِقَبيحِ الذَمِّ فُرّيتُ