1. They inform you falsely about the Lord Most High
And no human knows the affairs of Allah
١. يُخَبِّرونَكَ عَن رَبِّ العُلى كَذِباً
وَما دَرى بِشُؤونِ اللَهِ إِنسانُ
2. And for defeating the evildoers are lions
And for the beasts by Allah's command are dens
٢. وَبِالقَضاءِ لِآسادِ الشَرى لُجُمٌ
وَلِلوُحوشِ بِإِذنِ اللَهِ أَرسانُ
3. So make me speak, I will clarify your problems
Or is there among you no eloquent one for the people of truth?
٣. فَأَلسِنوني أُبَيِّن مُشكِلاتِكُمُ
أَم لَيسَ فيكُم لِأَهلِ الحَقِّ إِلسانُ
4. Can you hear me? For I am an Arab horseman
Skilled in horsemanship, since for war there are horsemen
٤. هَل تَسمَعونَ فَإِنّي فارِسٌ أَرَبي
مِنَ الفَراسَةِ إِذ لِلحَربِ فُرسانُ
5. There was not in this world a brother of righteousness
Nor will there be, nor in time, any goodness
٥. ما كانَ في هَذِهِ الدُنيا أَخو رَشَدٍ
وَلا يَكونُ وَلا في الدَهرِ إِحسانُ
6. Rather kingship is attained by another
As the rule of Banu Nasr and Ghassan was attained
٦. وَإِنَّما يَتَقَضّى المُلكُ مِن غِيَرٍ
كَما تَقَضَّت بَنو نَصرٍ وَغَسّانُ
7. Misfortunes befell them, calamities not made known
As if Hassan grieved over the people afterwards
٧. حَسَّتهُمُ حادِثاتٌ لَم تَبِن أَسَفاً
كَأَن تَأَسَّفَ إِثرَ القَومِ حَسّانُ
8. Banu Umayya ruled the two Shams
While the Hashimites deserted them for Khurasan
٨. بَنو أُمَيَّةَ بِالشامَينِ دينَ لَهُم
وَالهاشِمِيّونَ والَتهُم خُراسانُ
9. And I do not feel assured that your imam
Would be from the lowly Zanj or his nursemaid is Maysan
٩. وَلَستُ آمَنُ أَن يُدعى إِمامُكُمُ
مِن عالَةِ الزِنجِ أَو رَبَّتهُ مَيسانُ
10. And the view is that the lionesses should be sent forth as one
To Damascus, for miserable is the land of lowness
١٠. وَالرَأيُ أَن تَبعَثَ الأَنضاءُ واحِدَةً
إِلى دِمَشقَ فَبِئسَ الدارُ بيسانُ