
My tears are a spring, though the lute is no spring,

إن دمعي نبع وما العود نبع

1. My tears are a spring, though the lute is no spring,
And my ribs are a house for the pain's visitings.

١. إِنَّ دَمعي نَبعٌ وَما العودُ نَبعُ
وَحَواني مِن مَنزِلِ الهَمِّ رَبعُ

2. When able, give aid, though my ribs you should break,
For the days' journey is long, and all ribs ache.

٢. خُذ بِضَبعي إِذا أَطَقتَ غِياثاً
فَمَسيرُ الأَيّامِ تَحتِيَ ضَبعُ

3. Go gently with me, do not hasten my cup,
For my thirst is already too much built up.

٣. نَل يَسيراً مِنّي وَلا تَسبَعَنّي
في نَوالي فَإِنَّ ظمَئِيَ سِبعُ

4. The nights have all woven their webs of deceit,
So the hyena of mind finds no flesh left to eat,

٤. وَالسَجايا شَتّى فَلا يَقنِصُ اللَي
ثُ هِزَبراً وَالهِرُّ لِلفارِ سَبعُ

5. And Time drawing near adds its subtractings,
While the body's a mote blown about by the soul's flingings.

٥. وَتَداني الأَيّامِ يُحدِثُ نَقصاً
وَاِزدِياداً وَالجِسمُ لِلنَفسِ تِبعُ

6. Five and five make ten, and ten is twice five,
And the half of the whole is the whole's jibe.

٦. خَمسَةَ في نَظيرِها خَمسُ خَمساتٍ
تَنَمَّت وَالنِصفُ في النِصفِ رُبعُ

7. Bitterness feigning sweetness awhile, betrays,
For betrayal lurks, spite of vows, in man's ways.

٧. يَغدُرُ الخِلُّ إِن تَكَفَّلَ يَوماً
بِوَفاءٍ وَالغَدرُ في الناسِ طَبعُ