1. O ear, hearing will remain lost
And you will rest from saying and telling
١. يا أُذنُ سَوفَ يَظَلُّ السَمعُ مُفتَقَداً
وَتَستَريحينَ مِن قالٍ وَمِن قيلِ
2. And the body will become cast off after the soul
Empty like your pouring out of the jugs
٢. وَيُصبِحُ الجِسمُ بَعدَ الروحِ مُنتَبِذاً
صِفراً كَنَبذِكَ مَكسورَ البَواقيلِ
3. And among the people, if one gained a load of gold
He would be stingy in giving out dirhams
٣. وَفي المَعاشِرِ مَن لَو حازَ مِن ذَهَبٍ
طَوداً لَضَنَّ بِإِعطاءِ المَثاقيلِ
4. So make your right hand free in doing good
And lighten your step, do not worry about burdening
٤. فَاِجعَل يَمينَكَ بِالإِحسانِ مُطلَقَةً
وَخَفِّفِ الوَطءَ لا تَهمُم بِتَثقيلِ
5. If your Lord wills, He will raise you in degree
For your rising is not with the unsteady horses
٥. إِن شاءَ رَبُّكَ رَقّاكَ دَرَجاً
فَما مَراقيكَ بِالعيسِ المَراقيلِ
6. A king says maybe our saying will last
But kingship is merely delusion like mirages
٦. يَقولُ مَلكٌ عَسى قَيلٌ يَدومُ لَنا
وَإِنَّما المُلكُ لَهوٌ كَالعَساقيلِ