1. Men traveled and brought us tidings of those gone
Only to return after delay and uncertainty
١. مَنونَ رِجالٌ خَبِّرونا عَنِ البِلى
وَعادوا إِلَينا بَعدَ رَيبِ مَنونِ
2. They perished like forefathers, how many has time wasted away
With staves on their shoulders and sons in tow
٢. بَنونَ كَآباءٍ وَكَم بَرَّحَ الرَدى
بِضَبٍّ عَلى عِلّاتِهِ وَبِنونِ
3. We buried them in earth with certainty of their end
Yet no soul knows what comes next except conjectures
٣. دَفَنّاهُمُ في الأَرضِ دَفنَ تَيَقُّنٍ
وَلا عَلِمَ بِالأَرواحِ غَيرَ ظُنونِ
4. A young man's attempt to unravel what Allah has concealed
Would be deemed insanity or near insanity
٤. وَرَومُ الفَتى ما قَد طَوى اللَهُ عِلمَهُ
يُعَدُّ جُنوناً أَو شَبيهَ جُنونِ