
The body and the soul, before their union

الجسم والروح من قبل اجتماعهما

1. The body and the soul, before their union
Were peaceful, free of worries and sickness.

١. الجِسمُ وَالرَوحُ مِن قَبلِ اِجتِماعِهِما
كانا وَديعَينِ لا هَمّاً وَلا سَقَما

2. Singularity is better than an association
With another, and familiarity breeds contempt.

٢. تَفَرُّدُ الشَيءِ خَيرٌ مِن تَأَلُّفِهِ
بِغَيرِهِ وَتَجُرُّ الأُلفَةُ النِقَما