1. Beware of wine, for it is deceitful
Overpowering, failed has that dominance
١. إِيّاكَ وَالخَمرَ فَهيَ خالِبَةٌ
غالِبَةٌ خابَ ذَلِكَ الغَلَبُ
2. Deceitful is the comfort of wine, a camel gone astray
It has nothing but false milk to offer
٢. خابِيَةُ الراحِ ناقَةٌ حَفَلَت
لَيسَ لَها غَيرَ باطِلٍ حَلَبُ
3. More ominous than the camel of mischief to people
Even if milk is gotten from it when milk is sought
٣. أَشأَمُ مِن ناقَةِ البَسوسِ عَلى النا
سِ وَإِن يُنَل عِندَها الطَلَبُ
4. O you who prays, tread carefully should you milk its udder
Lest its sickness spreads through its milk
٤. يا صالِ خَف إِن حَلَبت دِرَّتَها
أَن يَتَرامى بِدائِها حَلَبُ
5. Better than what its cups contain
Is what the honeybee and grape hold
٥. أَفضَلُ مِمّا تَضُمُّ أَكؤُسُها
ما ضُمَّنَتهُ العِساسُ وَالعُلَبُ