
No gold remains in the two worlds,

لم يبق في العالمين من ذهب

1. No gold remains in the two worlds,
and most of what you see is pretense.

١. لَم يَبقَ في العالَمينَ مِن ذَهَبٍ
وَإِنَّما جُلَّ مَن تَرى شَبَهُ

2. Leave them be—how many necks have been chopped
clean off while they were unaware and paid no heed.

٢. دَعهُم فَكَم قُطِّعَت رِقابُهُمُ
جَدَعاً وَلَم يَشعُروا وَلا أَبَهوا

3. They are steeped in hypocrisy and have become muddled.
They are shrouded in appearances and have become confused.

٣. قَد مُزِجوا بِالنِفاقِ فَاِمتَزَجوا
وَاِلتَبسوا في العِيانِ وَاِشتَبَهوا

4. When their words are exposed, they are not
truths, but all pretense.

٤. وَما لِأَقوالِهِم إِذا كُشِفَت
حَقائِقٌ بَل جَميعُها شُبَهُ

5. Their era and pulling them along have passed,
yet they remain as I knew them, unaware.

٥. قَد ذَهَبَت عادُهُم وَجُرهُمُها
وَهُم عَلى ما عَهِدتُ ما اِنتَبَهوا