
The eloquent man, I do not argue with him

أما البليغ فإني لا أجادله

1. The eloquent man, I do not argue with him
Nor does the tired man seek to invalidate the truth

١. أَمّا البَليغُ فَإِنّي لا أُجادِلُهُ
وَلا العَيِيُّ بَغى لِلحَقِّ إِبطالا

2. We are in a dark night that is not illuminated
He did not lack an aspect due to ignorance that prolonged

٢. فَنَحنُ في لَيلِ غِيٍّ لَيسَ مُنكَشِفاً
لَم يَفتَقِد عارِضاً بِالجَهلِ هَطّالا

3. And the self is like a rope that is pulled
So it stiffens even if you let it loose for long

٣. وَالنَفسُ كَالسَبَبِ المَدودِ تَجمَعُهُ
فَيَستَكِفُّ وَإِن أَرسَلتَهُ طالا

4. Like the owner of luxury who wanted servants after it
And it wove pearls yet it was idle before

٤. كَذاتِ شَنفٍ أَرادَت بَعدَهُ خِدَماً
وَنَظمَ دُرٍّ وَكانَت قَبلُ مِعطالا

5. And you drank wine so you dared with it
Why then did you carry so much weight from the blond one

٥. وَقَد شَرِبتَ نُمَيراً فَاِجتَرَأتَ بِهِ
فَلِم حَمَلتَ مِنَ الصَهباءِ أَرطالا

6. No horses like the rhymes of poetry roaming
Remaining for ages necks and long

٦. لا خَيلَ مِثلُ قَوافي الشِعرِ جائِلَةً
أَبقى عَلى الدَهرِ أَعناقاً وَآطالا

7. If circumstances move away from its norms
Its meanings will still remain mighty

٧. إِن يَنقُلُ الحَتفُ عَن عاداتِهِ
فَما تَزالُ مَعانيهُنَّ أَبطالا