
The time has come for me to depart though I have not yet awakened

قد آن مني ترحال ولم أفق

1. The time has come for me to depart though I have not yet awakened
And inebriation reveals itself among the caravans and friends

١. قَد آنَ مِنِّيَ تِرحالٌ وَلَم أَفِقِ
وَالسِكرُ يَفضَحُ في الرُكبانِ وَالرُفَقِ

2. Say what you wish and pay no heed to the blamer
For hypocrisy will surely return to the hypocrite

٢. قُل ماتَشاءُ وَلا تُرهِبكَ عاذِلَةٌ
إِنَّ النِفاقَ لَمَردودٌ إِلى النَفَقِ

3. You told me contradictory tales
So your words seemed inconsistent to me

٣. أَخبَرَتني بِأَحاديثٍ مُناقَضَةٍ
فَرابَني مِنكَ قَولٌ غَيرُ مُتَّفَقِ

4. The dying of hair is not like the dying of hands with henna
And the redness of dawn is not the redness of sunset

٤. ما خَضبُ رَأسٍ كَخَضبٍ في بَنانِ يَدٍ
وَحُمرَةُ الفَجرِ لَيسَت حُمرَةَ الشَفَقِ

5. Events proceed with the beautiful maid
Between the carriers and Virgo on the horizon

٥. تَمضي الحَوادِثُ بِالحَوراءِ رائِعَةً
بَينَ الحَمائِلِ وَالجَوزَاءُ في الأُفُقِ