
Man is skilled in nothing but deceit and envy,

ما يحسن المرء غير الغش والحسد

1. Man is skilled in nothing but deceit and envy,
And your brother is none but a roaring lion.

١. ما يُحسِنُ المَرءُ غَيرَ الغِشِّ وَالحَسَدِ
وَما أَخوكَ سِوى الضُرغامَةِ الأَسَدِ

2. There is no good in people if they give you
Leadership willingly, so oppose them and do not comply.

٢. لا خَيرَ في الناسِ إِن أَلقوا سِيادَتَهُم
إِلَيكَ طَوعاً فَخالِفهُم وَلا تَسُدِ

3. For they are not pleased with any ruler or king,
Even if they come with wishes in strongholds.

٣. فَلَيسَ يَرضَونَ عَن والٍ وَلا مَلِكٍ
وَلَو أَتَوا بِالأَماني في قُوى مَسَدِ

4. They sought pottery with wealth they spend,
But did not come with morals they fortify.

٤. جَاوُوا الفَخارَ بِأَموالٍ لَهُم نُفُقٍ
وَلَم يَجيئوا بِأَخلاقٍ لَهُم كُسُدِ

5. If these spirits are pure,
They are corrupted in our souls full of corruption.

٥. وَإِن تَكُن هَذِهِ الأَرواحُ خالِصَةً
فَهُنَّ يَفسُدنَ في أَرواحِنا الفُسُدِ

6. We have seen much among us a body
Without a soul, so is there a soul without a body?

٦. وَقَد رَأَينا كَثيراً بَينَنا جَسَدا
بِغَيرِ رَوحٍ فَهَل رَوحٌ بِلا جَسَدِ

7. A group purified themselves with date wine
And they allowed purification with blood of body.

٧. تَطَهَّرَت بِنَبيذِ التَمرِ طائِفَةٌ
وَقَد أَجازوا طُهوراً بِالدَمِ الجَسَدِ

8. So praise be to Allah, my soul is not noble,
Nor was I raised at the hands of chaste ones.

٨. فَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ ما نَفسي بِساميَّةٍ
وَلا بَناني عَلى أَيدي العُفاةِ سَدِ