
Take my advice, and let that suffice from me,

خذي رأيي وحسبك ذاك مني

1. Take my advice, and let that suffice from me,
Despite my crookedness and blindness.

١. خُذي رَأييِ وَحَسبُكِ ذاكَ مِنّي
عَلى ما فِيَّ مِن عِوَجٍ وَأَمتِ

2. What do my companions seek when with me?
They wanted my speech, but I sought my silence.

٢. وَماذا يَبتَغي الجُلَساءُ عِندي
أَرادوا مَنطِقي وَأَرَدتُ صَمتي

3. Between us lies a great, far chasm,
So they aimed their course, and I aimed my stillness.

٣. وَيوجَدُ بَينَنا أَمَدٌ قَصِيٌّ
فَأَمّوا سَمتَهُم وَأَمَمتُ سَمتي

4. For distress pushes its wearer
To a day of days of protection.

٤. فَإِنَّ القَرَّ يَدفَعُ لابِسيهِ
إِلى يَومٍ مِنَ الأَيّامِ حَمتِ

5. I see things gathered by origins,
And how much loss and joy in fate.

٥. أَرى الأَشياءَ تَجمَعُها أُصولٌ
وَكَم في الدَهرِ مِن ثُكلٍ وَشَمتِ

6. It is the animal of human and beast,
And they are horses of bay and chestnut.

٦. هُوَ الحَيوانُ مِن إِنسٍ وَوَحشٍ
وَهُنَّ الخَيلُ مِن دُهمٍ وَكُمتِ