
If only they had followed me, woe to them!

لو اتبعوني ويحهم لهديتهم

1. If only they had followed me, woe to them!
I would have guided them

١. لَو اِتَّبَعوني وَيحَهُم لَهَدَيتُهُم
إِلى الحَقِّ أَو نَهجٍ لِذاكَ مُقارِبِ

2. To the truth, or an approach close to it.
For I have lived until I grew weary and bored

٢. فَقَد عِشتُ حَتّى مَلَّني وَمَلَلتُهُ
زَماني وَناجَتني عُيونُ التَجارُبِ

3. Of my time, and experience admonished me.
When my time comes, the educated will find fault with me

٣. إِذا حانَ وَقتي فَالمُثَقَّفُ طاعِني
بِغَيرِ مُعينٍ وَالمُهَنَّدُ ضارِبي

4. Without assistance, and the Fool will strike me.
Yet over the ignorant we ride a docile beast

٤. وَإِنّا مِنَ الغَبراءِ فَوقَ مَطِيَّةٍ
مُذَلَّلَةٍ ما أَمكَنَت يَدَ خارِبِ

5. That no hand of a destroyer has tamed.
Who will give me a vast land that none can violate

٥. فَمَن لي بِأَرضٍ رَحبَةٍ لا يَحِلُّها
سِوايَ تُضاهِيَ دارَةَ المُتَقارِبِ

6. Except me, rivaling the closeness of kindred?
For the youth there is only solitude and loneliness

٦. فَما لِلفَتى إِلّا اِنفِرادٌ وَوَحدَةٌ
إِذا هُوَ لَم يُرزَق بُلوغَ المَآرِبِ

7. If he is not granted the reaching of aspirations.
So make war or make peace as you wish, for the brother

٧. فَحارِب وَسالِم إِن أَرَدتَ فَإِنَّما
أَخو السِلمِ في الأَيّامِ مِثلُ مُحارِبِ