
You will not see him if you remain

لن تريه إن كنت لما تريه

1. You will not see him if you remain
With your ring fixed on your little finger.

١. لَن تَريهِ إِن كُنتِ لِما تَريهِ
ثابِتاً خاتِماهُ في خِنصِرَيهِ

2. He did not find loftiness with his elders,
So his excellence turned to his juniors.

٢. لَم يَجِد عِندَ أَكبَرَيهِ سُموّاً
فَاِعتَزى فَضلُهُ إِلى أَصغَرَيهِ

3. He kept asking the stars about the absent one,
So certainty came from both his eyes.

٣. ظَلَّ يَستَخبِرُ النُجومَ عَنِ الغَي
بِ فَجاءَ اليَقينُ مِن خَبَرَيهِ

4. Forty passed by him without
Any praise, and that is the greater part of his lifetime.

٤. قَد مَضَت عَنهُ الأَربَعونَ بِلا
حَمدٍ وَذاكَ الأَجَلُّ مِن عُمَرَيهِ

5. It is not the defect of time on
Anything, even if he stayed a third his moons.

٥. لَيسَ مِن خِلَّةِ الزَمانِ عَلى
شَيءٍ وَلَو باتَ ثالِثاً قَمَرَيهِ

6. He saw him between death and murder.
Can one be saved from both his fates?

٦. قَد رَآهُ ما بَينَ مَوتٍ وَقتلٍ
هَل يَجوزُ النَجاءُ مِن قَدَرَيهِ