
He who ties the knot at daybreak desires no help

ما عاقد الحبل يبغي بالضحى عضدا

1. He who ties the knot at daybreak desires no help
Except like the owner of a kingdom crowning himself

١. ما عاقِدُ الحَبلِ يَبغي بِالضُحى عَضَداً
إِلّا كَصاحِبِ مُلكٍ عاقِدِ التاجِ

2. We have not seen the turns of fate leaving
A lion with a necklace or a gazelle with a crown

٢. وَما رَأَينا صُروفَ الدَهرِ تارِكَةً
لَيثاً بِتَرجٍ وَلا ظَبياً بِفِرتاجِ

3. How impartial is death to the one who comes and the one who hides
So rouse me, for I am not startled

٣. ما أَعدَلَ المَوتَ مِن آتٍ وَأَستَرَهُ
فَهَيِّجني فَإِني لَستُ مُهتاجِ

4. Life is poorer than us, all who boast riches
And death is richer in truth than all who beg

٤. العَيشُ أَفقَرَ مِنّا كُلَّ ذاتِ غِناً
وَالمَوتُ أَغنى بِحَقٍّ كُلَّ مُحتاجِ

5. When a life opens to harms
A door of evil, he meets it with turmoil

٥. إِذا حَياةٌ عَلينالِلأَذى فَتَحَت
باباً مِنَ الشَرِّ لاقاهُ بِإِرتاجِ