
By your life! I shall not grieve when

لعمرك ما آسى إذا ما تحملت

1. By your life! I shall not grieve when
A soul that was called generous leaves the body.

١. لَعَمرُكَ ما آسى إِذا ما تَحَمَّلَت
عَنِ الجِسمِ روحٌ كانَ يُدعى لَها رَبعا

2. And I do not ask the living after me for frequent visitation -
Thrice to the narrow grave or seven times.

٢. وَما أَسأَلُ الأَحياءَ بَعدي زِيارَةً
ثَلاثاً لإِيناسِ الدَفينِ وَلا سَبعا

3. Nor shall the wives inherit from me
A portion or a fourth of wealth in the law of inheritance.

٣. وَلا تَرِثُ الزَوجاتُ عَنِّيَ حِصَةً
مِنَ المالِ ثُمَناً في الفَريضَةِ أَو رُبعا

4. The company of the people of this lowly world was irksome to me,
When absence and remoteness gave me pleasure.

٤. جِوارُ بَني الدُنِّيا ضَنىً لي دائِمٌ
تَمَنَّيتُ لَمّا شَفَّني الغِبَّ وَالرِبعا

5. Indeed, they did little good reluctantly
And did the evil that they did naturally.

٥. لَقَد فَعَلوا الخَيرَ القَليلَ تَكَلُّفاً
وَجاؤُوا الَّذي جاؤُوهُ مِن شَرِّهِم طَبعا

6. So where are the springs of dew and their seas?
And did the days leave any lion a cub?

٦. فَأَينَ يَنابيعُ النَدى وَبِحارُهُ
وَهَل أَبقَتِ الأَيّامُ مِن أَسَدٍ ضَبعا

7. When their fire-sticks are burnt, they are gloomy.
And did the days leave any lion a cub?

٧. إِذا حُرِقَت عيدانُهُم فَأُلُوَّةٌ
وَهَل أَبقَتِ الَيّامُ مِن أَسَدٍ ضَبعا