1. Drink up my cup through gentle sips,
And eat with grace from east to west,
١. شُربي عَلى المُقلَةِ في مَقلَتٍ
وَأَكلِيَ المَشرِقَ بِالمَغرِبِ
2. More cherished by me than their food,
Is poetry sung in joyous zest.
٢. آثَرُ عِندي مِن طَعامٍ لَهُم
يُشفَعُ بِالمُطرِفِ وَالمُطرِبِ
3. O provider of my state, we all turn to dust,
So spare me the envy of foes at rest.
٣. يا تَرِبَ الحالَةِ كُلٌّ إِلى التُر
بِ فَجَنِّب حَسَدَ المُترِبِ