1. Your faces are frowning, and your mouths full of blame,
Your livers are black, and your eyes are blue,
١. وُجوهُكُم كُلُفٌ وَأَفواهُكُم عِدىً
وَأَكبادُكُم سودٌ وَأَعيُنُكُم زُرقُ
2. I have no path to walk or journey to take,
For I am blind, no roads are lit for me.
٢. وَما بي طِرقٌ لِلمَسيرِ وَلا السُرى
لِأَنّي ضَريرٌ لا تُضيءُ لِيَ الطُرقُ
3. Your swan-like clouds sailed away at dawn,
Were they doves that flew across your cheeks?
٣. أَغُربانُكَ السُحمُ اِستَقَلَّت مَعَ الضُحى
سَوانِحَ أَم مَرَّت حَمائِمُكَ الوَرَقُ
4. I departed with neither world nor faith gained,
Nothing I reaped except foolishness and rags.
٤. رَحَلتُ فَلا دُنِّيا وَلا دينَ نِلتُهُ
وَما أَوبَتي إِلّا السَفاهَةُ وَالخُرقُ
5. When will piety free its Lord's devotees? His gifts
Will not diminish for those who pray facing the east.
٥. مَتّى يُخلِصِ التَقوى لِمَولاهُ لا تَغِض
عَطاياهُ مَن صَلّى وَقِبلَتُهُ الشَرقُ
6. I see the beasts of earth terrified of their doom,
Thunder startles them, lightning lures them.
٦. أَرى حَيوانَ الأَرضِ يَرهَبُ حَتفَهُ
وَيُفزِعُهُ رَعدٌ وَيُطمِعُهُ بَرقُ
7. So, bird, trust me, and you, gazelle, do not fear,
Between you and I there is no divide, my friends.
٧. فَيا طائِرُ اِئمَنّي وَيا ظَبيُ لا تَخَف
شَذايَ فَما بَيني وَبَينَكُما فَرقُ