
I loathe the outward behavior of my companion

أستقبح الظاهر من صاحبي

1. I loathe the outward behavior of my companion
And what his chest conceals is even uglier

١. أَستَقبِحُ الظاهِرَ مِن صاحِبي
وَما يُواري صَدرُهُ أَقبَحُ

2. You accused the dog so you denied it
Yet the dog is better than you when it barks

٢. سُبِبتَ بِالكَلبِ فَأَنكَرتَهُ
وَالكَلبُ خَيرٌ مِنكَ إِذ يَنبَحُ

3. The young man prayed Friday then turned away
To slaughter an arm in its wiping he butchers

٣. صَلّى الفَتى الجُمعَةَ ثُمَّ اِنثَنى
لِذِراعٍ في مِسحِهِ يَذبَحُ

4. With it the merchant earns his profits
While the losing trader does not profit

٤. يُعطى بِهِ التاجِرُ أَرباحَهُ
وَتاجِرُ الخُسرانِ لا يَربَحُ

5. I wish I lived in a small village
Whose healer in his stick bites and gnaws

٥. فَلَيتَني عِشتُ بِداوِيَّةٍ
حَرباؤُها في عودِهِ يَشبَحُ

6. Where caravans echo and their flags
Seem to glorify God in their clanging

٦. يَصدى بِها الرَكبُ وَأَعلامُها
كَأَنَّها في آلِها تَسبَحُ

7. Or I dwell in a wilderness settling
Spending evenings with beasts or dawns

٧. أَو بِتُّ في صَهوَةَ مُستَوطِناً
أُمسي مَعَ الأَغفارِ أَو أُصبَحُ

8. As the soul is like an unruly camel, so tame it
With a tender heart or strong reins subdue it

٨. وَالنَفسُ كَالجامِحِ فَلِيَثنِها
لُبٌّ أَوابي لُجمِهِ تُكبَحُ