
O governor of Egypt, do not oppress

أيا والي المصر لا تظلمن

1. O governor of Egypt, do not oppress
For many like you have come and gone

١. أَيا والِيَ المِصرِ لا تَظلِمَنَّ
فَكَم جاءَ مِثلُكَ ثُمَّ اِنصَرَف

2. The date palms have outlived their owners
Others were appointed in their stead and departed

٢. وَقَد أَبرَ النَخلَ مُلّاكُهُ
وَقَيَّضَ غَيرُهُمُ فَاِختَرَف

3. Words are distorted by liars
But judgments remain straight

٣. إِنِ القَولُ حَرَّفَهُ كاذِبٌ
فَإِنَّ القَضاءَ بِهِ ما اِنحَرَف

4. So do not send out ropes of hope
And grasp their ends in your hand

٤. فَلا تُرسِلَنَّ حِبالَ الرَجا
وَأَمّسِك بِكَفِّكَ مِنها طَرَف

5. Be humble if fortune exalts you
For that increases honor

٥. تَواضَع إِذا ما رُزِقتَ العَلاءَ
فَذَلِكَ مِمّا يَزيدُ الشَرَف

6. Treat your neighbor well in your abode
And do not make it unbearable for him

٦. وَدارُكَ أَحسِن إِلى جارِها
وَلا تَجعَلَنَّ لَها مُشتَرَف

7. If God clothes you in the garb of wellness
Do not prefer luxury over it

٧. وَإِن أَلبَسَ اللَهُ ثَوبَ الشِفاءِ
فَلا تُؤثِرَنَّ عَلَيهِ التَرَف

8. Waters ebb though long frequented
By one who comes to draw from them

٨. تَغيضُ المِياهُ وَقَد طالَما
تَيَمَّمِها وارِدٌ فَاِغتَرَف

9. He whom the strokes of death beset
Fears senility or loss of wit

٩. وَمَن أَمَّنَتهُ خُطوبُ المَنونِ
تَخَوَّفَ مِن هَرَمٍ أَو خَرَف

10. He commits major sins
And is heedless of his accumulated sins

١٠. يُقارِفُ مُستَكبَراتِ الذُنوبِ
وَيَغفُلُ عَن ذَنبِهِ المُقتَرَف

11. I have a place in the earth not to be visited
Though sought by a visitor, it would not be found

١١. وَلي مَنزِلٌ في الثَرى ما يُزارُ
وَلَو رامَهُ زائِرٌ ما عَرَف

12. My tears flowed until they froze
My eyelids did not freeze until they flowed

١٢. وَلَقَد لُمتُ أَن جَمَدَت أَدمُعي
وَما لُمتُ جَفنِيَ لَمّا ذَرَف