
Your world resembles a gushing disobedient stream

دنياك تشبه ناضحا متردا

1. Your world resembles a gushing disobedient stream
Prone to advance and retreat

١. دُنياكَ تُشبِهُ ناضِحاً مُتَرَداً
مِن شَأَنِها الإِقبالُ وَالإِدبارُ

2. I did not swear by ink or pen of any liar
Rather the scholars and wise men lie

٢. آلَيتُ ما الحِبرُ المِدادُ بِكاذِبٍ
بَل تَكذِبُ العُلَماءُ وَالأَحبارُ

3. They claimed men tall as palm trees
While tribes have mothers as short as palm spadices

٣. زَعَموا رِجالاً كَالنَخيلِ جُسومُهُم
وَمَعاشِرٌ أُمّاتُهُم أَشبارُ

4. Whether they are big or small it's by God's power
To our Lord belong might and pride

٤. إِن يَصغُروا أَو يَعظُموا فَبِقُدرَةٍ
وَلِرَبِّنا الإِعظامُ وَالإِكبارُ

5. I found six types of speech
Of which telling news was singled out

٥. وَوَجَدتُ أَصنافَ التَكَلُّمِ سِتَّةً
بِالمَينِ مِنها أُفرِدَ الإِخبارُ

6. The hems of old age have stitched so, after
Youth created, can they be stitched?

٦. خاطَت إِبارُ الشَيبِ فَودَكَ بَعدَما
خَلُقَ الشَبابُ فَهَل لَهُنَّ إِبارُ

7. The living low person is belittled, yet below him
Are nations fancying he is a tyrant

٧. يُستَصغَرُ الحَيُّ الحَقيرُ وَدونَهُ
أُمَمٌ تَوَهَّمُ أَنَّهُ جَبّارُ

8. Bread and a cloak have sufficed you, so no need
To be picky in choosing fur coats

٨. جَشِبٌ كَفاكَ مُطاعِماً وَعَباءَةٌ
أَغنَتكَ أَن تُتخَيَّرَ الأَوبارُ

9. As for the Bedouins, their people endured
While only Bedouins and ruins remained

٩. أَمّا وَبارِ فَقَد تَحَمَّلَ أَهلُها
وَتَخَلَّفَت بَعدَ القَطينِ وَبارُ

10. A person in the dust became dusty, bent over
As if he were but dust to dust

١٠. وَالشَخصُ في الغَبراءِ غُبِّرَ فَاِنثَنى
وَكَأَنَّما هُوَ لِلغُبارِ غُبارُ

11. O you who seek blood vengeance for the slain
Know that the Lord of both worlds is a tyrant

١١. يا طالِباً ثَأرَ القَتيلِ أَلَم يَبِن
لَكَ أَنَّ كُلَّ العالَمينَ جُبارُ

12. Conflicting whims, this one pretending
In deed, and his faith is coercion

١٢. وَتَخالَفُ الأَهواءُ هَذا مُدَّعٍ
فِعلاً وَذَلِكَ دينُهُ الإِجبارُ