
The master of beasts, a wolf stalks behind,

رب درفس خلفه ذائب

1. The master of beasts, a wolf stalks behind,
I wish to flee from beasts though great their fame,

١. رَبُّ دِرَفسٍ خَلفَهُ ذائِبٌ
أَروَحُ مِن رَبِّ الدِرفِسِ العَلَم

2. No youth can change the head with which he's lined,
As little as the pen its ready aim,

٢. لَيسَ الفَتى مِن رَأسِهِ مُبدِلاً
رَأساً كَما يَفعَلُ باري القَلَم

3. And though this world as lovable's designed,
It never left us free of grief and pain,

٣. وَهَذِهِ الدُنيا عَلى أَنَّها
مَحبوبَةٌ لَم تُخلِنا مِن أَلَم

4. And he of fortune's blamed though fate's assigned,
What mortal ever grasped joy free of bane?

٤. يُلامُ ذو اليُسرِ وَأَيُّ اِمرِئٍ
أَدرَكَ مِنها طَرفاً لَم يُلَم

5. In age a comrade finds the wise's line,
As though till then he'd known nor wit nor brain,

٥. قَد يوجَدُ الكَهلُ حَليفَ النُهى
كَأَنَّهُ مِن جَهلِهِ ما اِحتَلَم

6. And pious seemed before the chance was his,
But once empowered, justice he'd disdain,

٦. كانَ تَقِيّاً قَبلَ إِمكانِهِ
حَتّى إِذا مُكِّنَ مِنها ظَلَم

7. Believing dawn remains at his command,
Though stumbling sightless in the dark's demand,

٧. يَحسِبُ أَنَّ الصُبحَ بادٍ لَهُ
وَهوَ نَهاراً خابِطٌ في الظُلَم

8. Of tyranny's perfection that I've seen,
Your warring those who tender peace serene,

٨. وَمِن بَديعِ الجَورِ ما بَينَنا
حَربُكَ مَن أَلقى إِلَيكَ السَلَم

9. Goodness' vessel made of gentlesteel,
Though oxen trampled it would never kneel

٩. إِنَّ إِناءَ الخَيرِ مِن عَسجَدٍ
لَو خَرَّ هَضبٌ فَوقَهُ ما اِنثَلَم

10. Did God forbid the iron word to break,
Or silk to speak when God the order spake,

١٠. إِن زَجَرَ اللَهُ حَديداً نَبا
أَو أَمَرَ اللَهُ حَريراً كَلَم

11. From life where hurt I've gathered do I crave
A death to soothe me, set my spirit free,

١١. أَروَحُ مِن عَيشٍ جَنى لي أَذىً
مَوتٌ أَتاني راحَةً وَاِصطَلَم

12. A dove's mirage came visiting my grave,
Welcome that ghost though it awakened me,

١٢. طَيفُ حِمامٍ زارَني في الكَرى
فَمَرحَباً بِالطَيفِ لَمّا أَلَم

13. Can one verse-wise tradition's creed deny,
Once kissed the Kaaba's stone and said goodbye?

١٣. أَيُنكِرُ التَقليدَ مُستَبصِرٌ
قَبَّلَ رُكنَ البَيتِ ثُمَّ اِستَلَم

14. No upright spear of men remains to fight,
Nor stalwart souls to challenge evil's might.

١٤. وَالجَذَعُ الأَزلَمُ لَم يُبقِ ذا
رُمحٍ مِنَ الناسِ وَلا ذا زَلَم