
Were it not for rivalry in this world, there would have been no need for

لولا التنافس في الدنيا لما وضعت

1. Were it not for rivalry in this world, there would have been no need for
Books on geometry, music or pillars.

١. لَولا التَنافُسُ في الدُنيا لَما وُضِعَت
كُتبُ القَناطِرِ لا المُغني وَلا العُمَدُ

2. They have exceeded in words whose adornment,
Dazzles the eyes, yet has no firm foundation.

٢. قَد بالَغوا في كَلامٍ بانَ زُخرُفُهُ
يوهي العُيونَ وَلَم تَثبُت لَهُ عَمَدُ

3. Still in Syria and Yemen, they continue
To deduce analogies that have no basis.

٣. وَما يَزالونَ في شامٍ وَفي يَمنٍ
يَستَنبِطونَ قِياساً ما لَهُ أَمَدُ

4. So leave them and their worldly affairs, for they are preoccupied
With it, and sufficient for you is the All Powerful, the Eternal.

٤. فَذَرهُمُ وَدَناياهُمُ فَقَد شَغَلوا
بِها وَيَكفيكَ مِنها القادِرُ الصَمَدُ