
Praise be to Allah who shaped me

الحمد لله الذي صاغني

1. Praise be to Allah who shaped me
Fed me my sustenance and revived me

١. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذي صاغَني
أَطعَمَني رِزقي وَأَحياني

2. My personality is prone to ruin
And has always been a mine of disobedience

٢. شَخصِيَ هَذا عُرضَةٌ لِلرَدى
وَلَم يَزَل مَعدِنَ عِصيانِ

3. In every art there is a wonder in it
As if it were a gathering of Sufyan

٣. مِن كُلِّ فَنٍّ فيهِ أُعجوبَةٌ
كَأَنَّهُ جامِعُ سُفيانِ

4. O descendants of Jacob take your precautions
In the ages from an inkpot and judge

٤. يا آلَ يَعقوبَ خُذوا حَذرَكُم
في الدَهرِ مِن حَبرٍ وَدَيّانِ

5. A fire claims it fell from a sky
That eats those of slander and tyranny

٥. يَزعَمُ نارٌ مِن سَماءٍ هَوَت
تَأكُلُ ذا إِفكٍ وَطُغيانِ

6. If you were truthful in what you said
You would not return to evil with delight

٦. لَو كُنتَ فيما قُلتَهُ صادِقاً
لَم تَعدُ لِلشَرِّ بِهَيمانِ

7. And you would not crave falsities
Taken from the lame and the blind

٧. وَلَم تَكُن تَرغَبُ في زُيَّفٍ
تُؤخَذُ مِن عُرجٍ وَعُميانِ

8. Do you not fear a manifest lie
That has confused me and distracted me

٨. أَما تَوَقّى كَذِباً فاحِشاً
أَذهَلَني مِنكَ وَأَعياني

9. You make your sleep devotion but
You do not mix in it a grain of devotion

٩. تَجعَلُ نَمِيَّكَ تِبراً وَما
تَخلُطُهُ حَبَّةَ عُقيانِ