
How many a nation has been ruined by its ignorant ones

كم أمة لعبت بها جهالها

1. How many a nation has been ruined by its ignorant ones
Who sunk it down before into torment

١. كَم أُمَّةٍ لَعِبَت بِها جُهّالُها
فَتَنَطَّسَت مِن قَبلُ في تَعذيبِها

2. Fear drives it to believe in them
And reason carries it to deny them

٢. الخَوفُ يُلجِئُها إِلى تَصديقِها
وَالعَقلُ وَيحمِلُها عَلى تَكذيبِها

3. Corruption is people's nature so he who rose
With his wisdom to refine it remained

٣. وَجِبِلَّةُ الناسِ الفَسادُ فَظَلَّ مَن
يَسمو بِحِكمَتِهِ إِلى تَهذيبِها

4. O band in negligence though its Uways loathes
Not like its Uways or melter is Quranee

٤. يا ثُلَّةً في غَفلَةٍ وَأُوَيسُها ال
القَرَنِيُّ مِثلُ أُوَيسِها أَي ذيبِها

5. Glory to the Permanent, Settled and His Confirmer
And He who melts the ice of gushing and its melter

٥. سُبحانَ مُجَمِّدِ راكِدٍ وَمُقِرِّهِ
وَمُميرِ لَجَّةِ زاخِرٍ وَمُذيبُها