
When a tribe declines in both worlds,

إذا درجت في العالمين قبيلة

1. When a tribe declines in both worlds,
It is better for it that its decline should be concealed.

١. إِذا دَرَجَت في العالَمينَ قَبيلَةٌ
فَخَيرٌ لَها مِن أَن تَئِثَّ خُروجُها

2. The women of a proud people never felt secure,
About its honour, from its thresholds being violated.

٢. فَما أَمِنَت نِسوانُ قَوم أَعِزَّةٍ
عَلى عِزِّها أَن تُستَباحَ فُروجُها

3. Fortresses do not prevent the plundering of cheeks,
Even if the citadels of the sky are their strongholds.

٣. وَما تَمنَعُ الخَودَ الحَصانَ حُصونُها
وَلَو أَنَّ أَبراجَ السَماءِ بُروجُها

4. The mother of Jundab never strutted about in its glory,
Nor did its glory and its climbing up restrain her.

٤. فَما عَرَّجَت في شَأوِها أُمُّ جُندَبٍ
وَلا عَقَلَتها شَاؤُها وَعُروجُها

5. Thrones are being abased, while once
Their pastures were protected by lofty mountains.

٥. تُذالُ كَراسِيَّ المُلوكِ وَطالَما
غَدَت وَهِيَ تُحمى بِالعَوالي مُروجُها

6. On camels, until its men are weakened,
And on horses, until their trappings have burdened them.

٦. عَلى الإِبلِ حَتّى ماتُقِلُّ رِجالَها
وَبِالخَيلِ حَتّى أَثقَلَتها سُروجُها

7. No soul knew when it entered my body,
So how could its exit be concealed from it?

٧. وَما عَلِمَت رَوحٌ بِجِسمي دُخولَها
إِلَيهِ فَهَل يُخفى عَلَيهِ خُروجُها