1. I found the son of Adam in his prime,
Pursuing what benefits him and delights.
١. وَجَدتُ اِبنَ آدَمَ في غِرَّةٍ
بِما يَستَفيدُ وَما يَطَّرِف
2. His world clung to him before he was weaned,
And he kept toiling until he grew old and feeble.
٢. تَعَلَّقَ دُنياهُ قَبلَ الفِطامِ
وَما زالَ يَدأَبُ حَتّى خَرِف
3. Yet his eyes aspire to its trinkets,
Though it would be better for the beholder to be aloof.
٣. وَتَسمو لِطارِفِها عَينُهُ
وَخَيرٌ لِناظِرِها لَو طُرِف
4. He rejoices in its heyday,
As if its changes were never known.
٤. يُسَرُّ بِها عَصرَ إِقبالِها
كَأَنَّ تَغَيُّرَها ما عُرِف
5. And from love of it he sheds tears,
Though weeping avails not when Fate decrees.
٥. وَيَذرِفُ مِن حُبِّها دَمعَهُ
وَما يَجلُبُ الحَظَّ دَمعٌ ذُرِف
6. And many a day has passed over his grave
While the fair ones reveled without a thought.
٦. وَكَم مَرَّ يَوماً عَلى قَبرِهِ
حِسانُ الوُجوهِ فَلَم تَشتَرِف
7. Does he seek water from mirage
And leave a full pool for those who draw water?
٧. أَيَلتَمِسُ الماءَ مِن ناكِزٍ
وَيَترُكُ جَمّاً لِمَن يَغتَرِف
8. He commits no sin to please his Lord
Yet his crimes are manifold.
٨. وَلَم يَقتَرِف مِن رِضا رَبِّهِ
وَلَكِن جَرائِمُه يَقتَرِف
9. Like a worker who did his master wrong,
Surely he shall depart empty-handed!
٩. كَعامِلِ قَومٍ أَساءَ الصَنيعَ
وَلا ريبَ في أَنَّهُ يَنصَرِف
10. Our heedless sustenance has come to us,
Though we are not professionals earning a livelihood.
١٠. وَقَد جاءَ غافِلَنا رِزقُهُ
وَإِن كانَ لِلقوتِ لَم يَحتَرِف
11. O gazelle of the valley, beware the hunters' traps
Let not the verdant meadow deceive you!
١١. أَيا ظَبيَّةَ القاعِ خافي الرُماةَ
وَلا يَخدَعَنَّكِ رَوضٌ يَرِف