1. The innate nature with which
The hearts and minds of people are imbued does battle;
١. يَتَحارَبُ الطَبعُ الَّذي مُزِجَت بِهِ
مُهَجُ الأَنامِ وَعَقلُهُم فَيَفُلُّهُ
2. And it continues looking to see what benefits it has wrought,
Like the sun obscured by clouds, yet its light shines through.
٢. وَيَظَلُّ يَنظُرُ ما سَناهُ بِنافِعٍ
كَالشَمسِ يَستُرُها الغَمامُ وَظِلُّهُ
3. Until when war arrives, they realize
That all they had done was utter ignorance.
٣. وَحَتّى إِذا حَضَرَ الحِمامُ تَبَيَّنوا
أَنَّ الَّذي فَعَلوهُ جَهلٌ كُلُّهُ
4. Reason, in meaning and word, is to resist;
So good is reasonable, but folly makes all forget.
٤. وَالعَقلُ في مَعنى العِقالِ وَلَفظِهِ
فَالخَيرُ يَعقِلُ وَالسَفاهُ يَحُلُّهُ
5. And an evildoer's exile brings about his demise,
Like a neighbor whose tether rope is severed.
٥. وَتَغَرُّبُ الشِرّيرِ يوجَبُ حَتفَهُ
مِثلُ الوِجارِ إِذا تَسَحَّبَ صِلُّهُ
6. While staying put in one's homeland is better if ruin comes,
Like a master whose lowliness is concealed in hardship.
٦. وَلُزومُهُ الأَوطانَ أَبقى لِلرَدى
كَالسَيِّدِ يُستَرُ في الضَرّاءِ أَزَلُّهُ
7. The soul is accustomed to life, so its tears
Flow in remembrance of parting with it, pouring forth.
٧. وَالنَفسُ آلِفَةُ الحَياةِ فَدَمعُها
يَجري لِذِكرِ فِراقِها مُنهَلُّهُ
8. No dearer thing than it, and the young man
Weeps when he mounts his steed, his intimate friend.
٨. ما خُلَّةٌ بِأَغَرَّ مِنها وَالفَتى
يَبكي إِذا رَكِبَ الصَريمَةَ خِلُّهُ
9. Fates cannot be held back, and they are many,
Like pouring rain, aiming its flow and surge.
٩. لا تُحجَزُ الأَقدارُ وَهيَ كَثيرَةٌ
كَالغَيثِ وابِلُهُ يَصوبُ وَطَلُّهُ
10. And of soldiers, his fine horse, sword and spear
Distinguish, when clouds mass and the lightning flashes,
١٠. وَمِنَ الجُنودِ عَلى الكَمِيِّ جَوادُهُ
وَحُسامُهُ وَسِنانُهُ وَمِتَلُّهُ
11. Where each bolt will strike and fall.
And I have known, so I do not grieve for what is gone,
١١. مَيِّز إِذا اِنكَلَّ الغَمامُ وَميضَهُ
فَالبَرقُ يُخبِرُ أَينَ يَسقُطُ كُلُّهُ
12. That what remains of my days is lesser.
The righteous seek lawful means, but I have not found
١٢. وَلَقَد عَلِمتُ فَما أَسِفتُ لِفائِتٍ
أَنَّ البَقِيَّةَ مِن مَدايَ أَقَلُّهُ
13. In this abode except fettered, its solution little.
He sleeps, tired of survival, and wakes
١٣. وَالبَرُّ يَلتَمِسُ الحَلالَ وَلَم أَجِد
هَذا الوَرى إِلّا فَقيداً حِلُّهُ
14. With hope in it still, not tired of that hope.
So guard your brother, and if it becomes clear
١٤. يُمسي وَقَد مَلَّ البَقاءَ وَيَغتَدي
وَلَهُ رَجاءٌ فيهِ لَيسَ يَمَلُّهُ
15. That his love is weak, defective and wavering,
The scabbard shudders upon meeting the blade,
١٥. فَاِحفَظ أَخاكَ وَإِن تَبَيَّنَ أَنَّهُ
بالي الوَدادِ ضَعيفُهُ مُختَلُّهُ
16. Yet the sword has not revealed its wicked traits.
And cold suffices you from hostile eyes,
١٦. فَالغِمدُ يُذعَرُ في اللِقاءِ كَهامُهُ
وَالسَيفُ لَم يُبدِ الخَبيثَةَ سَلُّهُ
17. While the paralyzed limb benefits in trials.
And life — the wise man knows not which is better:
١٧. وَالبُردُ يَكفيكَ العُيونَ دَريسُهُ
وَالعُضوُ يَنفَعُ في الخُطوبِ أَشَلُّهُ
18. More of it threadbare, or less but sound.
Do not mock the old man; how many a night
١٨. وَالعُمرُ لا يَدري الحَكيمُ أَكُثرُهُ
خَيرٌ لَهُ مُتَغَبِّراً أَم قُلُّهُ
19. Passed with him like the full moon, his waning beautiful.
Days whose cover is torn in idleness,
١٩. لا تَهزَأَن بِالشَيخِ كَم مِن لَيلَةٍ
جازَت بِهِ كَالبَدرِ يَحسُنُ دَلُّهُ
20. Like an eyelid ripped in excessive play.
The worst of times is when an old companion ages
٢٠. أَيّامَ يُهتَكُ في البَطالَةِ سِترُهُ
كَالطَرفِ مُزِّقَ في التَمَرُّحِ جُلُّهُ
21. And his youth is the sweetest time and most precious.
Why do I not make my advice understood by listeners,
٢١. شَرُّ الزَمانِ زَمانُ أَشيَبَ دالِفٍ
وَصِباهُ أَنفَسُ وَقتِهِ وَأَجَلُّهُ
22. And refrain from dictating it, making it clearest?
Time runs its course with the rider undeterred,
٢٢. ما لي أَيَفهَمُ سامِعِيَّ نَصيحَتي
فَأَبيتُ أَنهَلُ مُصغِياً وَأَعُلُّهُ
23. And when a life span ends, nothing diminishes it.
Poverty is an unbroken colt climbed by its calamities,
٢٣. يَجري بِفارِسِهِ الطِمِرُّ مُؤَجَّلاً
وَإِذا اِنقَضى أَجَلٌ فَلَيسَ يُقِلُّهُ
24. While ease is a trained horse, none can mount it.
I survive a first month, then expire in it,
٢٤. وَالفَقرُ بَكرٌ تَرتَقيهِ شَذاتُهُ
وَاليُسرُ عَودٌ ما تَسَوَّرَ عَلُّهُ
25. And a second comes after it, which I welcome.
I sleep on the verge of death, my heels exposed,
٢٥. أَجتابُ شَهراً أَوَّلاً فَأُبيدُهُ
وَيَجيءُ ثانٍ بَعدَهُ فَأُهِلُّهُ
26. So you see even slight affairs can fell him.
People are set on a misguided path, rightly-guided,
٢٦. يُمسي عَلى حَدِّ المُهَنَّدِ أَخمَصي
فَتَرى اليَسيرَ مَن مِنَ الأُمورِ يُزِلُّهُ
27. And a brother leads them down the wrong way.
٢٧. وَالناسُ جائِرُ مَسلَكٍ مُستَرشِدٌ
وَأَخٌ عَلى غَيرِ الطَريقِ يَدُلُّهُ