1. How is the breeze when our Lord has sworn
By time, the human is losing indeed!
١. كَيفَ الرَباحُ وَقَد تَأَلّى رَبُّنا
بِالعَصرِ إِنَّ المَرءَ حِلفُ خَسارِ
2. The days allotted to pass him by
Share as if they were equal in might and need
٢. وَتَقاسُمُ الأَيّامِ مَن مَرَّت بِهِ
مِن أَهلِها كَتَقاسُمِ الأَيسارِ
3. Seven alike as goblets they are
Matching in wealth and dearth, agreed
٣. هِيَ سَبعَةٌ مِثلُ القَداحِ فَوائِزٌ
مُتَساوِياتٌ في غِناً وَيَسارِ
4. Similar in what they exact from the lad
A soul whom poverty has stamped its deed
٤. مُتَشابِهاتٌ ما اِقتَضَينَ مَِن الفَتى
نَفَساً فَرامَ اللِيَ بِالإِعسارِ
5. Of wonders, I bear them, hoping for death
To free my shackles and captive steed
٥. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَنَّني عانٍ بِها
أَرجو المَنيَّةَ أَن تَفُكَّ إِساري
6. Each instant, early or late, death takes
Approaching or leaving, it pays no heed
٦. وَالمَوتُ يَأخُذُ كُلَّ حينٍ باكِرٌ
أَو مُظهِرٌ أَو رائِحٌ أَو ساري
7. From all six directions, no knock does it make
Once from my right and once from my left, indeed
٧. وَمِنَ الجِهاتِ السِتِّ لا هُوَ طارِقٌ
مِن عَن يَميني مَرَّةً وَيَساري
8. No more would the Asadi boast of his doves
After battle, neither crest nor steed
٨. ما يَفخَرُ الأَسَديُّ بَعدَ حِمامِهِ
بِنُسورِ مَعرَكَةٍ وَلا بِنِسارِ