
When have the people counted insight and wisdom?

متى عدد الأقوام لبا وفطنة

1. When have the people counted insight and wisdom?
Ask me not of them, nor reproach me.

١. مَتى عَدَّدَ الأَقوامُ لُبّاً وَفِطنَةً
فَلا تَسأَليني عَنهُما وَسَليبي

2. I see a world pleading their king for mercy
By kissing a corner and grasping a cross.

٢. أَرى عالَماً يَرجونَ عَفوَ مَليكِهِم
بِتَقبيلِ رُكنٍ وَاِتِّخاذِ صَليبِ

3. Is Your forgiveness, O Lord, if I cast off
In Mecca my robes amidst a pilgrim throng?

٣. فَغُفرانَكَ اللَهُمَّ هَل أَنا طارِحٌ
بِمَكَّةَ في وَفدٍ ثِيابَ سَليبي

4. Would I betray a folk of Yemen, they
Who sought not to bare secrets of my heart?

٤. وَهَل أَرِدُ الغُدرانَ بَينَ صَحابَةٍ
يَمانينَ لَم يَبغوا اِحتِفارَ قَليبِ

5. I leave them though they think me not of high repute,
Nor they so of me, not for robes or gold.

٥. أُفارِقُهُم ما العِرضُ مِنِّيَ عِندَهُم
ثَليباً وَلا عِرضٌ لَهُم بِثَليبِ

6. I that eased his mount am no boaster
If he came not with milk to make me bold.

٦. وَلَستُ بِلاحٍ مَن أَراحَِ سَوامَهُ
إِذا لَم يَجِئني مَوهِناً بِحَليبِ

7. And to my ears it would be lowly, once the grave claims me,
The howl of hyenas around it, and even a dog.

٧. وَهانَ عَلى سَمَعي إِذا القَبرُ ضَمَّني
هَريرُ ضِباعٍ حَولَهُ وَكَليبِ

8. Your servants a multitude, Lord, and Yours the riches,
Yet You were not known to favor coats of mail.

٨. عَبيدُكَ جَمٌّ رَبَّنا وَلَكَ الغِنى
وَلَم تَكُ مَعروفاً بِرِقِّ جَليبِ